am now left with four and have a few more letters 1/ on the understanding hes to get the plants (6) -u-h-s 2/ give an exclamation and run after him (6) h---c- 3/ bean that may well feature in a...
turn tiles, puzzle 9 - (page 33) am totally stumped on this puzzle, have been trying all morning & now the page has been rubbed out that many times its falling to pieces, can anyone help...
As it's very hot and sticky outside, and we're all feeling the strain, and tempers fraying, I thought an AB Magical Mystery Trip was called for. This will pick you up on your street/road end at 10am...
Help, I left the grandson on the cartoon network and he managed to turn the scren upside down, I am typing this with the moniter on its head! What do I do to get the screen back to normal? thanks Jan
is it me going loopy or with this heat failing fast? after spending most of the w/end doing the puzzles in chat & tab i look forward to seeing the answers on marinacs, (double checking) they've just...
am watching BB and i am getting seriously annoyed by Nikki. Aisleyne is in bed with Pete having a harmless conversation, Nikki is listening, she gets up and goes and confides in Jayne saying how they...
so come on then... who does everyone want to evict this week? as we can't evict Jayne - boo hiss!! who do you think should go? i think it will be Nikki, although the house would be quieter without...
What did Jayne say about the outside world that broke the rules and put everyone else up for eviction? I thought the new ones had been locked away somewhere before going into the house next door!
Hi I need some words that connect 2 words together like caster sugar sugar daddy etc. What joins fire & hatch, bath & pudding, record & piano and love and box??? MAny thanks Sue