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What can go up a chimney down but can't go down a chimney up?I've never had a person get this right good luck!!!
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Tipsy, docile or paranoid he was capable of playing the Romeo! (8,8). Answer begins or ends with 'o'
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I can't believe this man is only in his 20's, does anyone know if this is his real age?
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Does anyone else remember the sweets Spangles, there were two varieties the friut ones and the brownish ones but cant remember what flavour they were. Anyone know if you can buy them anywhere anymore?...
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70 = NSL 56 = D in P 7 = MCCM 52 = S in A 4 = S on a DB 4 = F on a P 2 = WDM a R 1170 = YB was M in CC 6 = B in an O in C 1 = KE
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the maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user  doesn't see. What is it?
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Does anyone recall a TV documentary from about ten(?) years ago that showed three, I believe, autistic children who had amazing talents. One, a young black lad aged about 11, was able to look at...
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what are the zigzag cutting scissors used by a seamstress called
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Bonzo 2000
I remember a radio show question, but never heard the answer - "Without looking at an atlas, can you name the 3 countries of the world that begin with A but do not end with A?"  Its harder than...
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Think of a number? (6,4) Oscar winner 1990 (6,5) Has anyone got these two? They're all I need now. Then I can sleep at night!
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273 = (m) is AZ
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What was the answer to 5A about the rubber tree please
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Important food fish they are smaller relatives of the tunas, having dark striped backs?
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Does anyone remember the twins from Neighbours? One was Gillian,they were also hostesses in a quiz show with Des O Connor then nothing!
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Two of six to eight (4,6) Sounds like a bird with ts tail missing (6) Jim the Builder! (5,5)
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Does anyone know the answers to these? 52 C in a P (WJs) 90 D in a R A 100 C in a E 8 T on a O 23 P of C in the H B 6 B to an O in C 15 M on a D M C Thanks in advance!
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What pets have people got and what are their names?
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What house fish as pets?
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Could someone please tell me what did TISWAS stand for
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channel 4 drama one summer

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