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Deep Wrinkles for such a young man
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Ivana Thump,will be going in,along with boy geore! Do you know who else will be going in?...
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Thought she was older than 34
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sherrie Hewson? unfunny/sad/old soak/fussy/picky/unlikeable pillock that she comes accross as on the pathetic Loose women erm................IMHO
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shocking !!!!!!!
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starts next week I think. Anyone know who is in it?
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does anyone know if colon cancer is curable? my friend has it.
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Hi I hope someone can give me some advice. Firstly I can second guess what 99 per cent of people are going to say, but I'm going to ask anyway. On Friday evening after a night out my husband assaulted...
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hhmmmm. . . . thats it, i''ve had a eureka moment, an epiphany. But its not going to look very good at all. I don't know if everyone gets this feeling (it may be after more than one) but if i have a...
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Ola and Chris are strictly champions, it was a fantastic final brillinant show show dances and celebrity dancers, Chris and Ola won on popularity but I think Ricky was the better dancer!! Your views
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but here goes. I have problems with my ex wife, I am newly married again after a very messy divorce but my ex wife keeps stalking me and says she wants me to divorce my new wife and marry her again. I...
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Now then folks,here is a very challenging hard question to answer......... It's all to do with the title of a TV show which I am trying to remember....I'm still racking my brains trying to get as much...
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My fireplace has been boarded in living room, and to my dismay i could fluttering Tuesday morning, took board off and saw jackdaw..However he went up into chimney. I left board off for few hours but...
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I have just fitted a pine handrail in the staircase.For best results do I paint it,stain it,varnish it or wax it?
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Hi Sqad,my 20 year old daughter has just phoned me to say her doctor has phoned and told her that her kidneys are failing.Her symptoms have been lack or urination (or urge to urinate) for two...
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Some friends and I were thinking of getting people to sign a white tablecloth for a friend's wedding. Can anyone suggest the best way of going about this? Can anyone recommend a reliable dye pen? I...
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I've been on the pill for a few years and the nurse keeps asking me if I want to change to a different form of contraception. The only one that appeals to me in the slightest is the implant but I've...
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My husband had an operation on his toe, it hasn't healed properly and is in fact worse and doesn't bend at all now. We were told that the brain has a way of stopping the healing process, is this true,...
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How much to you pay?
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This site was suggested to me, and it's bloody brilliant. Upload a few details about the little person Santa will be visiting and he sends a video message to them It's...

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