A fellow checked into a hotel on a business trip recently and was a bit lonely so he thought he'd get one of those girls you see advertised in the phone books under "Escorts and Massages". He opened...
An incredibly ugly man buys a blow up doll from a sex shop. He was so frustrated as it wouldn't stay inflated so he took it back to the shop and said "This blow up doll keeps going down on me !" The...
Docile youth was riding round his village on a brand new shiny bike. "Wow!" said his mate, "Where did you get that bike from?" Youth replied "Well, I was walking down by the river when this buxom...
Does anyone remember Plasticraft? It was liquid plastic complete with hardener and came with moulds and all sorts of other stuff and you could make keyrings etc with it. It was great. Does anyone know...
Young girl goes with her dad to get his hair cut. He buys her a bun to eat while she's waiting. After a while she goes and stands next to her dad in the barbers chair and starts talking to him while...
Has anyone got any photos or anything else whatsoever to do with this house ? I grew up there and spent 20 happy years there. It's a magnificent place, although it is even better now as it is a 5 star...