What is the meaning of "potential card counter" in the following sentences? He bet a hundred dollars on the next hand and lost. Then quickly he slid three chips out for the next hand, which he...
There is a certain ABer who only posts puerile and sarcastic remarks. When I read them I normally shake my head sadly and then move on. I have now found 2 posts directed at me - one calling me an a***...
I'm looking for a lively holiday destination that ISN'T in Greece or Spain as I've done them to death! Love the party scene but fancy somewhere a bit different. Want to go away in Sept but...
for years now I have been haunted by a particular scene in a tv programme I saw back when I was young (in the 80s - ahem). It was on about 5pm, and the scene was a group of kids putting on a play of...
This has been put forward before, but would it be possible to perhaps have a link to all new questions on AB raised, say, in the last 24 hours. There are so many interesting questions...
Shopping Malls across the country are banning Hoodys and Baseball caps!!does this go for young kids and grandads To.And will they ban the shops selling baseball caps, in the shopping Malls!!
Manchester city council has imposed an instant fine of ?50 for dropping a cigarette butt at least you can sweep up a cigarette butt? So why not impose heavy fines for dropping chewing gum? It costs a...
What is the meaning of "Let's pass on it" in the following sentences? "Everybody wants to come out to the house," he said with a mouthful. "It's off limits," Ray said. "That's what...
Mary-Ann Leneghan, 16, was stabbed to death in Prospect Park, Reading, Berks, in the early hours of Saturday. Her 18-year-old friend is seriously ill after being subjected to a violent sexual ordeal...
You used to be able to buy plastic lids for soft drink cans, so if you didn't drink the lot at once you could keep them in the fridge and they didn't lose their fizz. Does anyone still sell them? I've...
Does anyone know any great cheap eating places in Paris? I'm going next week and I'm on a budget. Also....is it correct that diet coke is actually coca light? how is that pronounced??
(dont know where to post this) Remember when you could buy a small plot of land on the moon from places like WHSmiths etc, is it really yours, how do you know where it is and if NASA lands on you...