ABE suggestion - please can people be encouraged to have the politeness to either thank those of us who help them, or to recognise that we tried and tell us we were wrong. The site is quickly...
Ok, this is going to sound really petty but here goes?A few weeks ago I bought a tub of flora & put it in the fridge at work. I only used it once & then went on a month long detox. Last week,...
Whats the Vietnam war film that finishes with them standing above a woman (who was a sniper) and the woman is repeatedly saying Kill me? for the life of me the name excapes me.
Was this site hacked at the weekend? Some answers appeared in pink square boxes, AB Ed-style - one of them actually purporting to be from AB Editor, but in green - then vanished. Some regular...
In the wider scheme of things are the ManU supporters club who are protesting the takeover overestimating their influence. After all the takeover is inevitable, the whole club is a business and...
Why is it that when you're with your partner long term, all your friend, family and colleagues want to know when you're getting engaged? Then you get engaged and they want to know when you're getting...
Most of the time i'm pretty ok going along life. Some of you may know i'm on anti-depressents at the moment. The thing is, as soon as someone upsets my mood drops straight down and all i can think of...
A clump of trees out in the wilderness is sometimes interchangably referred to either as a "forest" or "the woods." Is there any particular difference between the two?
Hopefully this isn't too chatty - it appears that some of you guys know each other personally - so who actually knows who??? And, broadly speaking, how do you know them? I only ask because...
I'm due to go to the Gambia in Jan 2006 and wanted to know roughly how much it would be to have a yellow fever vaccination and malaria tablets. Any info would be greatly appreciated
I'm sure this has already been asked but can't find it. When one reports a question or answer, does it automatically get banned or does AB Ed check it first and then decides. I've had an...