I appreciate he being kind giving me lifts and going for lunch but he does my head in grabbing me to do it all the time as I'm leaving where I know him from I got things I need to do myself feel like...
is there any software that will show you a thumbnail of ALL types of imagery, including video etc & also all types of documents etc. Of any type of file, where having a thumbnail of the contents or...
As above really - i take both of these but im wary of taking salt tabs on any empty stomach, but i need to take them way before i eat anything so I'm not going to eat anything at all, beforehand - so...
Whatever you want to call them. I have lots of them, with various files, data, bootable programs and tools - all very useful. How do identify yours? It brings back the nightmare of the cassette tape...
I started a new twitter account & it said i could not message anyone who does not follow me, unless i was verified. - or after more usage. I started to use the account as usual & after a few weeks, i...
I need to take extra salt, i add it to food but im not that into the taste so its not enough. so, i make my own tablets Ive been re-using expired medication capsule - emptying them out, unfortunately...
I have some jigsaw software (Tibo) but it only works in fullscreen, not in a window. Is there a way I can use this in a seperate window on my PC? - (win10 ) I want to be able to do a jigsaw while...
I like to do intermittent fasting, however i need to take amitryptaline, & this increases appetite & makes fasting really hard. Does anyone have any ideas or tips to lessen that effect on me?...
I have to take some tablets that i cant take on an empty stomach - theyre really bad for stomachs I have lansoprazole but i also have to eat something, because i've had an ulcer in the past caused by...
I have hypermobility so im used to weird pains & twinges & stuff, but this on is pure agony today. at a certain point when i move my neck, a pain shoots down my arm - i liken it to the feeling you get...
Ive noticed my snot is bright green, thick & gloopy, & theres an icky taste, & its been going down the back of my throat. However, the only other sign of something wrong is a bit of a sore throat but...
I have loads of duplicates of files & im trying to wittle it down bit by bit as I find them. I now have 3 over 35gb folders with mostly the same stuff in but also loads of other stuff - zillions of...
I have carpal tunnel syndrome, that gets set off by the vibrations of my sewing machine. Ive tried cushioned feet, pads etc but it still happens. Does anyone know of a genuinely low vibration machine...
Is there a way i can tick the boxes of various emails, & transfer them, all in one go, into a libre office document (or some similar type of programme) So its basically just one big document with all...
I have some lap trays & some have a beanbag underneath & others having folding telescopic legs I like both, but I like to alternate, - i have hypermobility so have to change position a lot, but its...
Why was Aziraphale's clothing - the pale suit etc - considered an extremely bad thing to be wearing when he was imprisoned in the Bastille? It's was almost implied that is partly why he was locked up....
My 11 year old son stupidly kicked someones front door. They are claiming he has caused a crack in the door. The police have called me today saying the owner wants me to pay for a new door. I told the...
Sometimes it's difficult to see what's going on. When a character walks into a room why do they never put the big light on like any normal person would?