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I subscribe to Microsoft 365. They are advising me that they are about to delete my OneDrive as I'm 260 GB over my 5 GB allowance. I can't / don't wish to afford what they are asking for increased...
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Is it not standard procedure after an operation on your leg - an open wound - to leave hospital with antibiotics? My friend died of sepsis on Sunday. He had a knee op on Tuesday, was out of hospital...
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My extended family have been talking about finding some online photo site, that we could all have access to & share all our photos etc. Does anyone know of one specifically for that purpose? Or one...
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I need to isolate various pieces of footage from various longer pieces of footage. Can anyone advise what is the best way to either remove just the bits i need, and/or remove the bits i dont. ideally...
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I have copy of this by emily bronte Published by collins (home library) Illustrated by A H Buckland london & glasgow, collins clear type press But it has no date anywhere on it. Its clearly very old,...
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If there really is smart life on another world, why don't they make an effort to contact us?
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Now I’m in Spain in an apartment visiting our Daughter who is working in Spain for the year. Since being here we have paid for everything. She could have stayed in her house that she shares but chose...
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I'm a woman and I buy little gifts for my female friends to make them happy. Even a chocolate bar or a little note. I've recently met a guy and I don't think I've done much for him honestly. We had an...
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On this thread people who would never get into Mensa seem to claim they could but didn't because it has annual subs: Mensa is a club...
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When i was about 24 (1994-5) I had an ectopic pregnancy. I also have PCOS so it was a surprise. I was in pain & had to go to hospital i think around 7-8 weeks The docs did a D&C, then did a scan to...
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I was diagnosed with 'wear and tear' on my spine - at aged 15! (I'm now 50) In particular the coccyx area, though i dont know if they saw it in other places. The pain was in the lower back, coccyx...
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(NB: I can't get anyone in to fix it, so I need to try whatever I can first before I have to do that, or just get rid of it.) My washing machine has been faulty for a while now - all that happens is...
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I caught in on the 28th during an appnt at hospital - I've not left the house or seen anyone in over a month before then. what am I supposed to do in terms of reporting etc? A man delivered my...
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I'm just eating some of these, Hartleys brand and theres very little flavour - I'm confused as to how this little bit of flavour can get stronger after diluting it with a pint of water. Is there some...
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What is it called when some people are there all day, every day, all year round, for the nitty gritty, etc - then others swoop in, a couple of times a year, throw cash about, act extravagant, treat...
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I remember this being sung on TV when i was a kid, 70s/80s but i cant remember what it was on. i'm vaguely thinking it could have been on S4C so a welsh thing, but i dont speak welsh. I wonder if the...
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((this has some history please see some of my last few posts in body & soul if you want more info)) in july, I was in hospital with a serious issue - an ulcer in a bad places causes my duodenum to get...
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Does anyone know of any good software - (preferably free obvs - but interested in paid too) that i could copy & paste various sized 'paragraphs' or large chunks of text & find duplicates? After a...
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Growing up, everyone i knew pronounced it - Doe LENZ, - to rhyme with - So Pens - with emphasis on - Lenz. but actually it's pronounced - DOE l'nz - to rhyme with - Stolens or Stow L'nz - emphasis on...

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