Inspired by posts on Payday Loans. If you borrowed a tenner and repaid the loan with 10 weekly payments of £1.30 what interest were you being charged?...
I would like to know the name of a type of model railway I had as a lad in the early 60's. It was smaller than 00 gauge. It was neither electric or clockwork. The locos and rolling stock were die cast...
One of my neighbours hubby has died after a long illness and she's in the middle of arranging his funrtal, she wants her grandsons and sons to be Pallbearers, she asked me last night how many...
Prompted by a question posted by the Ed: I appreciate that due to the speed of light distant galaxies etc are seen as they were millions, if not billions, of years ago bt is the same true of radio and...
I ask because I have received an envelope with what appears to be a Christmas card inside. It is clearly written, with the same house number as mine and a road starting with same letter, but with an...
Stumped on last one. This is a name that has appeared in the "Pseudo Names" section of the Eye in the last year, containing one or more invented words; and is also an anagram of "A Royal highness ham...
"It should give him pause" meaning that should cause him to think before acting or simply give him pause for thought, is a quaint construction which sounds like C17 English. But is it new...
Hello, I have a two page document but I need to change the second page to landscape but keep the first page portrait. I have tried to highlight the text in the second page to see if it would just turn...
Many of you on here may recall the advent of the Space Shuttle programme which in the early 1980s took up all the news at the time. In some rare cases the Space Shuttle had to land at a far away site...
I am in the process of replacing 2011's calendars around the house with those for 2012. Is there an easy way of telling when the same configuration of days/dates in a year will recur? I have quite a...
Oh it is so lovely, to have breakfast in bed,
with a tray on my knees and a pillow for my head - or something similiar
would be very grateful if you could help
hi i need help finding the title of a documentry , it was on bbc2 or ch4 about a lord who lived with his wife i think they had kids , dogs. they were skint and lived in a big mansion . it was about 3...