A British Muslim father who police feared was travelling to Islamic State with his four young children has been detained in Turkey. Are the British police responsible for all UK families who decide to...
I used Profender three months ago on my ten month kitten, as she had never been wormed. Not sure whether to use again, what are signs of roundworm or tapeworm? She hasnt caught any mice or bids ......
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3038913/Hundreds-migrants-die-trying-reach-Europe-Libya-Boat-carrying-550-people-capsizes-victim-board-vessel-thrown-sharks.html They should be rescued from...
A question in another section has prompted me to stick my head above the parapet with this one. I am a fairly frequent hospital in-patient and have encountered fellow patients of all races and...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3045507/Everyone-comes-Britain-speak-English-says-Miliband-admits-Labour-mad-mistakes-immigration.html So says ED, very fine words from one who admits Labour...
My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary this year. One of our destinations is London in August. Neither of us have ever been to London - honestly. I would appreciate any advice on...
I know we have discussed his ad nauseum here on AB before, but if everybody else will be present tonight, but not Cameron, or Cleggie, what is the point ? What value is there in a Debate if one of the...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3041058/STEPHEN-GLOVER-s-hardly-word-disagree-Ukip-s-manifesto-know-parties-lying-But.html Yes some may say it's all lies, Where is the money coming from?...
Mad Hattie Harmon yesterday launched Labour's Women's Manifesto. My questions are: 1 - Why do women need their own manifesto? 2 - Is this condescending to women? 3 - Where are the men's, black, Asian...
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/04/30/nigel-farage-smoking-ban-germany-_n_3182909.html Seems like a backward step to me, especially as bars and clubs already have 'properly ventilated smoking...