Is it my imagination or is David beginning to have second thoughts about the move oop north ? He is doing an awful lot of sighing these last couple of weeks. But what will happen to Pet Love if they...
Re links - you will need answerbank open and another page. Tap next to the www bit and pick 'select all', then 'copy'. Go back to your open answerbank page and tap where you want the link to go and...
Senor Tories, including George Osborne, have began planning a 'Save Dave' campaign, in the event that he loses the General Election. This is clearly an anti-Boris strategy. It is widely believed that...
I thoroughly enjoyed this whole series and last night was probably the best so far. There is a lot of mumblings and grumblings about the BBC and the licence fee today, but if they can produce quality...
My friend has been named as the executor in her husband's will. He has a terminal illness. Her husband has three daughters. His will stipulates that the eldest gets some family jewellery. She doesn't...
I am looking to buy a new sewing machine - I don't want to spend loads if possible. dont want a piece of crap but dont want an expensive top of line one I was thinking it'd be good to have one that is...
Rather than chat on a Q&P thread I am raising this here. Mazie: "FF always has to comment, whether it's need or not !" Retrocop: " Your agenda is nastiness" dannyk13 -you said to me "you seem to have...
I'm against Capital Punishment in principle, but sometimes ......... ..... it...
According to the author of the article //That is sickening, reprehensible and unacceptable. And we have to say so. Rather than patting the other three quarters who don’t have sympathy on the head,...