Can anyone of the punishment hardliners tell me what is achieved by prosecuting this sad lady ? I thought we were, as a society, meant to be becoming more cognisant and sympathetic towards mental...
Extraordinary to see Kier (I used to be DPP) Starmer fire one of his shadow front bench team for briefly attending a picket line. How times have changed. The Blessed Margaret is alive and well within...
11 of them are Conservative, only 2 real Labour and 2 new Labour. Does anyone seriously think that real Labour can ever win a general election again?...
Good enough for the Falkland Islands but NOT for Scotland. What a joke. “The Prime Minister stressed that the Falkland Islanders, like all people, have a right to self-determination.”... Should the FM be concentrating on serious domestic issues, not least of which is their ever...
Alarm and fear is growing throughout the Tory Party, over Tactical voting in safe seats.Those who wanted to give Boris a good kicking at recent by-elections had worked out how to do it on their own...
I put this in news because that seems the section most affected. I have been on here roughly a year and I dip in and out now and again. I'm starting to think that some posters are like a warm up man... ...ultimatums, we love those. Bring it on pygmies, we've heard it seen it done...
Still in the cold war probably, the way the unions were carrying on we'd probably have become a Soviet Outpost by now, the Berlin wall would probably be up. This article from Fred Forsyth in the...
The 5C that want us to be ruled from Brussels v those that don't. Surely even they must see that if we tried to rejoin the conditions would be prohibitive even for them, there is no going back. Why...
Girl, 14, with nut allergy nearly died on flight after man ate peanuts Was he in the wrong? Is it survival of the fittest or should her parents not put her at risk by sticking her in a tin capsule?...