There's so little given away in the preamble about the mechanics of this puzzle, I can't really say a lot about it here. But there is a lot to say, and it's a very clever construction which led to... ...
A neat construction and there was a good variety of clues (a handful being quite tough). The endgame, alas, was a chore -- a nice idea though. Thanks, Harribobs.
Tough in the extreme, but very rewarding if that's how you like your puzzles. The combination of altered clues, altered entries, carte blanche grid and truly evil clues throughout made this the... ...
An outstanding puzzle. Good job there is snow on the ground and temperature has not risen above freezing for 2 days so an excuse if it was needed to devote last evening and most of today to... ...
I quite enjoyed this. Plenty to disentangle, thanks to the jumbles, and one of the toughest of the year, so a welcome change. Lots of wide-ranging thematic material, even if the linkage was a... ...
28a " just another act of apology from Father Jack in the box"saud Ted with great regret(10)?o?t?i?i?n 1d can these bankers come to the rescue? Can if risen to become backers(10)???a???e?s 8a in... ...
Sport leader must go to make it a safe environment (5) H-V-N The answer is fairly obvious, from the definition in the last two words; but I don't understand why "Sport leader must go ..."
IQ is getting tougher each week. No answer lengths are given. Two clues: - Colouring having no good point - Flimsy material recalled Webster’s approach to... ...
A fun puzzle, which appeared daunting, but got rapidly easier once answers could be entered into the grid. The endgame was neat, and very little grid staring was required. Many thanks, Mozart! I... ...
Incredible! Easily my favourite Kea puzzle, and the best Listener so far this year. Just so rich in the theme and all the diverse gimmicks throughout. Thanks Kea!
Across and down clues are each given in ascending order of their answers….the numbers in brackets are the number of cells in the grid entry. Yet there are grid entries of 2 cells following grid...
29d old foot soldiers pack p?l?t?n . The theme of the puzzle is rivers but not in every clue. The only thing a can think of is peloton as in a pack of riders but where does the old soldier come in, I...