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Has anyone else had trouble with hotmail today? I just can't get at it! The closest I can get is the msn homepage, when I try to go any further I get the 'server cannot be found' error message, I've...
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My partner has been offered a job -but with the proviso that the health screening is ok. Its with a health authority and the fill-in sheet mentions immunisation etc.Another sheet has all the usual...
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I can not figure out what this phrase is do you know what the answer is to this phrase
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What do they mean when a person is called a 'Nerd'?
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What exactly is a lemming, apart from a tiny little thing that loads of computer programmes have been made about?
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What is it about spiders that people find so repulsive?
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I've heard that many animals are colour-blind. Is it true, and how do we know?
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Animal starting with x
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Name of animal with letter i
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What's your favourite insect?
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Animals beginning with I, N, Q, V, X and Y
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I have just heard a song by William Shatner(my ears hurt). What other actors/actresses think they can sing????
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Please tell me what the DC stands for
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what does this american saying mean?
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Who is this that my dad keeps singing about ? He sings *thats my name too* but he hasn't a clue who it is.
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Where in the world is best visited in the months of Oct or Nov --these are the best months for me to travel? I like nice warm countries with NO rain - Please help
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What are the chances of George W Bush losing the next US presidential election? The thought of him getting another term in office fills me with dread.
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Mr Poo
I have just been told by an Australian friend that water flows Clockwise in Sydney. BUT it also flows clockwise in London. I thought they went in opposite directions! Please can someone confirm this.
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Why do major prevailing weather systems always travel from West to East?
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We have quite a few squirrels living in the trees in our garden and I want to feed them. Mr LISAB is quite confident we can give them the bag of mixed unshelled nuts left over from christmas but Im...

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