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Sorry guys but over the last few months, every time i've tried to reply to someones gardening questions, i've had almost every post i've answered either contradicted or reworded by logman....
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hi i have a 5 and a half month old chocolate labrador he is absolutely stunning in all ways and has been house trained since he was 10 weeks old only problem is if people stroke him he urinates he...
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Sorry about this, I am just so confused......... Thank you so much if you are still reading. The one thing I do is trust him- which obviously I struggled with at first. We run the house well together....
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Hi all. We have a Cat that comes into our garden and rubs its bottom on our conifers (probably urinating at the same time as they have gone a horrible colour). Does anybody know how I can get the...
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What old fashions would you really like to see come back? I am waiting for earmuffs to be back in fashion to keep my ears warm in the winter :-)
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Hi, I'm really confused at the moment and wonder if I can gain some insight from others. I'll start from the beginning. When I was 23 I gave birth to my son and was engaged with a half/half ownership...
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who makes the best icecream?,,,,,,,Forget Hagendass[not sure if that's how you spell it] and Ben & Jerrys,,,I still think icecream from when I was a kid was the best.[I'm getting on a bit though]...
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I'm looking to cook a risotto for a dinner party for friends. Does anyone have a favourite risotto recipe I could pinch?!
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has anybody got a jack lalanne juicer? they look wicked on the shopping channels is it any good and is it as easy to clean as they say it is?
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Does anyone have a buffalo wings recipe that they are willing to share. Looking for something very similar to those made in the States...quite sour and hot. Also a blue cheese dressing if possible.
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When I get fed up and want something nice I always get a 'ready made' fresh mashed potato dish and put loads of butter and grated cheese on it. What is your comfort food?
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With price of gas going up, I think I will do my casseroles in a slow cooker. Can anybody recommend a family sized reasonably priced reliable brand ? Thanking for any suggestions in advance.
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the best way to clean my work flask please
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can anyone tell me what the symptoms of phyorrea are, i think my daughter may have it and i am having trouble finding a dentist to examine her. what does it look like and how do i know if she has it...
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I want to bake a fat free cake, what can I use instead of the vegetable oil? It has to be vegan.
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Does anyone own one and are they worth the money? I've seen small ones that work like a kind of grinder and I know there are other types that cost 315 and upwards. Worth the investment, or should I...
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have been accused of being unfaithful which i have not,there is a girl in the pub who fancies me and has made it plain we could get it on,the wife and I have not had sex for months wot should I do
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what book, food, drink, person and extra luxury item woud you want with you on a desert island
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Who decided that weekends would be only two days long? With the amount of time most people waste at work - for example, on here - couldn't we get just as much work done in a four day week, with 3 days...
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Hi - I wonder if you could help me, I need people to vote for my website at - if 5 more people vote then it becomes the top site. Thanks!

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