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on tv.? I thought it was today but have only just remembered and put tv on.?
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down steps.? He is having trouble with his hind legs, arthritis in his knees. We have a conservatory door he is having trouble getting into the garden down two small steps. If we try and help him he...
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by going on Demand on SKY. or can you get only the latest one.?
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A friend's daughter was just given an eternity ring. This prompted me to wonder if there is a particular way you should wear them. I have all three rings, and I wear them in the order I was given...
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Thought I would let you know sqad the update. Has now been 12 days since I had the fall. Went to see doctor and told to take paracetamols ans some gel to rub in. Have done this but still in terrible...
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I watched it yesterday and I wasnt sure if it was really him or do they just suspect it is him,? Brenda xx
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I have quite a lot of green tomatoes on my plants outside, but don't seem to be ripening at all. Any ideas please?
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I was surprised the Dragons invested in the Guy that kept crying and his OTT performance, I would have thought he was a risk showing his emotions like that on national TV?
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Colin, my 10 month old lab/retriev X is out during the day - he has plenty of ground to play in, shelter and toys. But he has started stealing stuff to destruct!! So far it has been 3 pairs of shoes,...
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husband terrible pains in his stomach a few hours after eating it and terrible upset stomach.?
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guppy would be bothered a lot by other smaller ones.
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Hi again sorry to be a pain. But this is just a qucik update on my question the other day when I had a fall in the shower and hit my back between my shoulder blades. The lower back is bruised nicely...
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had two seizures last week and when taken into hospital they found , what they believe to be cancer and two lesions on her brain that caused the seizures. She is waiting until this week for biopsy on...
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I have read and also saw the TV programme last week naming the new Doctor Who. But my grandson swears at the end of the last series of it they said at the end the name of the New Doctor and they...
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has anyone noticed more wasps around than usual. I tried to have some lunch yesterday, al fresco as you do, and ended up losing the lot to a swarm of angry wasps. Miffed i was......
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cleaned the lounge carpet. While in the shower I slipped and fell banging my upper back on the wall. At the time it took my breath away and made me feel a bit sick. The pain is better today but it is...
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Any where you are.?
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Anyone else got it now. We live in Somerset. on the Devon boarder.
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First thing this morning one of my dogs didn't look herself at all having been fine last night so we took her to the vet who said she had an elevated temperature and her heart rate was abnormally...
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And open it noone else can if I send it to them.? What am I doing wrong? Xx...

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