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Lindy Loo

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Alexis : Dig
Does anyone have any idea about what the average weight of a 5"7, 14 year old girl is?
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it amazes me that so many people look to people on this site for help to serious problems they have with their pets instead of calling a qualified veterinarian. the advice may be somewhat helpful but...
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I love my hamster Jasmin. She is 3 1/2 years old and is very healthy for her age. She runs in her ball daily and is very active. I noticed her bleeding a lot one night. I washed off her vaginal area...
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The advert section has disappeared!! Or is it just me?
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Bonzo 2000
I posted a question a couple of weeks ago regarding our 3 year olds apparant reluctance to poo on the potty and many of you were kind enough to reply with advice and encouragement.  I am indeed...
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Has anyone got any amusing place names to report? It might be a village or town that you live in, or somewhere you have heard of. For example, I used to drive through Christmas Pie on a regular basis!
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 Where do all you ABers come from -don't need house adresses or any thing just a town or city? Its just that im really nosy and like to gather a picture in my head of all you lot? Im not a...
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For a bit of fun describe your perfect date, or your night out nightmares!
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Following on from Georgits post below, has anybody ever cheated with a friends partner? If so, are you still friends?
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Following on from the pot question, I want to see how truthful everyone's going to be...hands up out there anyone who's ever cheated on a partner? I have, twice, but back when I was still in my teens...
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Ok, I've just thought of what I think is a top question: Based on my personality (from the questions I've asked, the answers I've given etc..), what do you think I look like? I want to know how I'm...
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sarah :O)
I keep finding GIANT SPIDERS (the size of a small hand) in my house particularly in the bathroom.  Where the hell do they come from, all windows are now closed, please dont tell me they live in...
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what do you reckon the AB editor looks like - just curious??
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Apart from putting on a Scream mask and chasing them down the road with a chainsaw, what should you do when a kid on your doorstep says 'trick or treat'?
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Is AB an addiction?
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on my indian take away menu , it list chicken , prawn , lamb and meat dishes , what is the meat in the meat dish , i thought cows where sacred ?
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I'm constantly being surprised to find people on AB that I assumed where men are actually women and vice versa!Does anyone else mistakenly assume the wrong gender of members?
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I have seen it a lot but cannot think what it could be?
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I had friends with ginger back in the day, we used to always make fun of them with their dotted skin and their reddish hair. Now i wonder why do they have ginger hair? how come others don't ? where do...
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to a sporting fisherman what are pinkies and squatts

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