I have seen a crow walking across the garden with a biggish egg in its beak 3 times now. I managed to get a photo of one egg after the crow had hidden it in the grass, carefully covering it up with...
Any ideas what would be eating our ramshorn pond snails ? I found about 6 empty shells on the grass next to the pond. I have Googled it, but the only answer I found suggested a racoon...but living in...
The answer is deciduous...but don't get the first line.
I use odd carbon/uranium mixture
On tree whose leaves are not a fixture
Can anyone explain please.
11. the word large on top of the word eel
16 is.is.is above a plus sign and is.is.is under the plus sign
20. the word wartime on top of the word pom...
We have a very large pond in our garden, which is often visited by ducks and the unwelcome herons, but just recently I have seen 2 buzzards sitting in trees around the area. I have read that their...
answers all birds
pseudonym for adam 6letters
loo humour 6
is this coloured lamb 10
scarlet trunk 8
trickster dropped 6
is this really a fashion 6
thank you from jenny wren!
Hi, we enjoy watching the wild birds in the garden and put out various seeds and fat balls etc. We are hoping to attract more finches and smaller birds. Robins like oats and meal worms, but whenever...
I have moved into an old house and it has an old aga. It is ok for stews but doesn't seem hot enough for anything else. There is no instruction manual. In my aga cook book it says the heat mark should...
Can any help please the following has either black or white in the song title or artist. AWITBF by HJ BC by AS Also which two sorts of creatures are called grayling? Thanks
58. Needed to ride a songbird? (8) ( begins with L) 68.Ring ten and fifty one quietly (5) 72.Fruit carrier to get ring (8) 75.Northern peer with limp around fictional hero (9) (begins with P) 82. Very...