I had the clear thought yesterday that God knows exactly what is going on. Climate change is just one way God is talking to us in these last days. It's time to get real, repent and be save by Jesus....
Only the bible describes the state of the world as we head into the End Times.
Only the bible has verifiable prophecies that can be tested for truth.
Is it not time to take the bible seriously?...
He was neither rich nor powerful he did not even have a home that he call his own . Yet his teaching have influenced millions .did jesus really exist ? What do both modern and ancient authorities say...
Did God Use Evolution to Create Life? Has All Life Descended From a Common Ancestor? What does the evidence reveal? Does the evidence support the Bible’s description of events, or was Darwin correct?...
Following on from a suggestion on a similar post. Has anyone got a bible prophecy which they think came true, and which they are prepared to discuss/defend?
DID THE EARTH suddenly appear out of nothing or was there a designer? Or suddenly appear out of nothing or was there a designer ..? SO.? Why Did God Create the Earth?...
In about 7 or 8 billion years from now, (not that this will worry any of us now) the Sun will die, Earth and the rest of the Solar system will have died long before, the Sun will probably become a...
The Ransom—God’s Greatest Gift -JESUS IS SON What is the ransom, and what do we need to understand in order to appreciate this valuable gift? Put simply, the ransom is GOD .S means to deliver, or...
Do we or I believe in the Bible and what it says ???? The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. 1 John 5:19. We know that we originate with God Even if you don't believe in the Bible...
Why Many Now Living Have Opportunity Never to Die The one here described is none other than Jesus Christ, who is designated in the Scriptures as both the “Son of man” and as the “King of kings and...
Gen. 3: 1 Satan continues to ask the same question he asked Eve in the garden of Eden: ?? Does God really not approve ? of same-sex marriage? ?? Satan, the god of this system of things .? ask your...
HAVE you wondered why everything from atomic particles to vast galaxies is governed by precise mathematical laws? ? Have you reflected on life itself??—its variety, its complexity, and its amazing...
I was asking this myself since a short while ago like, how God is gonna make all people very beautifull in heaven, and all with their own unique face and body? I mean, isn't he at some point going to...
How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation ,,Not surprisingly, then, many people view religion as an obstacle to human progress and peace. Some have even asked themselves if humankind would be...
Hello everyone, this is a question for believers. My friend has asked me this question. "If Jesus was returning in the next 5 years, what would you do differently now" I am interested to see how other...
..in what you have to say. Would you actually talk to me as a human being and explain your point of view? I'd really like to hear from you as a person, not just receive biblical quotations.
because this one is leading blind ,, who we know as Satan the devil the one who is causing chaos upon this earth and leading people to destruction, and the properties bear this out as we look through...