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Where can myself and my mate go on holiday next year? We are 22 and want a variety of things to do including beer, sport, sun and sight seeing. We have about ?400 each and have thought about, Gran...
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Can I have your views please on trick or treating.  All the kids in my neighbourhood seem to do it, but I wont let my two children.  My kids are quite young and would not cause a menace but...
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Addy Boy 88
Hi i have recently rebooted my whole computer and my size settings are all wrong i have a 17" screen but the object boxes start up menus etc are all tiny. Can anyone tell me how to sort thios problem...
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I've got a pretty nasty insect bite on my leg. My leg is sore, itchy and has swollen quite a bit - any ideas what can I do except for a trip to the GP? Thanks :o)
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I've been off work for a week, with a bad back, today I went to make a follw up appointment with my GP, and even though he'd asked me to come back, he can't see me for another eight days, this...
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now when i was at school (not that long ago!), they used to have the most amazing rice crispie (or sometimes cornflake) cakes. They were really gooey and rich, but not chocolatey. The only recipes I...
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anybody know of any natural remedies to reduce stress?
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has anyone got any easy healthy lunch ideas. Something I can prepare the night before or in the morning. I have exhausted baked potatoe and am not keen on sandwiches as they're kind of soggy by the...
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what do you think of the omega 3 report my children have supplements and fish has anyone noticed any improvement in their children since taking it?
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How do I start this with an 8mth old who is very active and has been using disposable nappies from birth?
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how do you train to become a phlobotemist?
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Why are they sold in sixes?
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How come it is illegal for an adult to hit another adult, and in the home this is called domestic abuse if a man hits his wife (or vice-versa) but when a parent hits a child it is perfeactly alright...
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How is it pronounced?
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how long do I have to keep boiling my babys water before he has it?
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aaargh what has she done to her hair .. she is on Jonathon Ross now ...  it looks bloody awful
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Does anybody remember some little biscuit things (could also be crisps but they were biscuits in the same way as mini cheddars are both) called Fish 'n' Chips? I believe Burton's made them. I have...
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Anybody got any suggestion on what to get my Grandma for an 80th Birthday Present. Doesn't need ornaments or flowers and also doesnt want a fuss. Would like to get something special and unique.
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i have a fifteen month old baby who is in the process of the side effects of the mmr jab he had 8 days ago,, has anyone elses children had any bad side effects, unsure weather to take him to a doctor...
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my 9 month old keeps waking up in the night because hes lost his dummy any ideas

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