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Britains terror alert status has changed to 'severe'. Hasn't it always been this way though? It's all really scary to me :-( Wouldn't the terrorists go for big Events like Olympics etc. Or do you...
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what is the very first 'housework you undertake in the day,i make my bed as soon as i get up;
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before you die, what ONE piece of advice would you give family and friends ? TIA,
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Went to a psychic last night, she seemed pretty spot on for all of us. Got me wondering though, is our life already mapped out for us and no matter what we do it will always end with the same out...
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A rumour going round says this is what happened. To position a large compound near to a military establishment smells of a conspiracy if not from the Pakistani government but someone in a high place....
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I'm sad. Hope you've all enjoyed the bank holiday. Now I'm off to eat yet another bad on Hot Monster Munch (pregnancy craving) :-) I just thought id share that with you...
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Another lovely day. Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!
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What was your scariest ever part of a film? Not the scariest film - - - A part that made you Jump, Scream, Shake in your boots,? Even todayit gives you the collywobbles? Mine was in Psycho, when the...
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A film about a car tyre what comes to life and kills people, and also some of the characters realise that they are in a film - that it isn't real. I've just watched this film on DVD and it was quirky,...
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I'm finding these continual Google logo changes for often trivial anniversaries, naive, uninteresting, and worst of all, badly designed. Does anyone else feel this, or am I being churlish?
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Isn't this site great :-)
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LADIES!!! Remember ... a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it. 'A house becomes a home when you can write 'I love you' on the furniture .' I used to spend at least 8 hours every weekend making...
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How do I make my hedge straight. It's bumpy and uneven looking and even when I trim it, it won't go straight unless I cut into the the thick branches. Is this what I have to do? This may be a stupid...
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Would you let your kids open a Myspace account and do you think Facebook is moderated professionally enough to be sure younger children are safe to browse alone. Thanks in advance...
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When i'm on my maternity leave in October, will tax credits stop paying me my nursery fees. I know i'd be off work, but i'd still like my daugter to attend nursery 2 days a week. Thanks <3...
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and there's a twitter frenzy, she couldn't turn up for work this morning but Dan (her husband)is tweeting that she'd love some pizza from Gino. I don't think i'd be thinking of food if i was in the...
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tinkerbell23 i asked for a link in media last night and i found this....just watched it and im crying my eyes out!! i cannot believe the care, or lack of that i just...
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This is going to be discussed on the Wright Stuff tomorrow morning. Do you think it gross or OK for girls?
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hiya, did anyone use a bump belt for their seatbelt while they were pregnant? Did you find it any good/comfy? When did you use it from? Thanks...
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I recently bought a ceramic hob but there are some unsightly and rough marks on it. I tried cleaning it with warm water and fairy liquid. What is good fro cleaning ceramic hobs?

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