I think this question has already been answered before, but can we please have a maths topic for all those that need help with dodgy maths homeworks, with all the symbols + special fonts etc. ?...
Is it true that because the brain emits very tiny amounts of electricity, it would be possible in the future to harness these tiny currents and read peoples' thoughts?
Hey, this is really a question for girls and I'm sorry its a bit gritty! I'm not sure whether I need a bikini line wax, where exactly is it? I don't think I'm particularly hairy down there because I...
well, that's what Kotex adverts seem to imply. These have been a bug-bear of mine for ages now. The most recent being wrappers which don't make a noise. Why? Should young girls...
Hi FP, I've been trying to submit an answer to your "exposed pregnant tums" post below but for some reason can't get it to work. Basically as a male approaching your age bracket I'm appalled at the...
I had bleached blonde hair and decided to dye it jet black with a permanent dye. However i do not like it and want to dye it brown and have light brown highlights. Can i put a brown dye on to my black...
A question for the male ABankers (and any ladies that want to add their views). Do you think that thongs showing above the very low hipster jeans that young ladies wear these days look...
Does anyone else find themselves grooming themselves more than normal when they're really stressed or annoyed? When I get angry about something silly, I tend to reach for the mirror and start...
Why do preggie girls (usually the very young ones) now expose their bumps for the world to see. I think it's great to be proud to be expecting, but I personally don't want to look at big preggy...
my sense of smell has improved considerably recently. when i say improved, i mean that it's become more sensitive, which isn't necessarily a good thing since i now want to leave the room every time...
who set lassiters alight? MUST be paul robinson, by the way he's acting all suspicious & trying to work out who other suspects may be. my friend's convinced that this is just a red-herring...