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I've just started a new job and everyone is really nice and friendly. However, there is one girl who, despite her niceness, gives me the impression she could be trouble. She's very chatty but I've...
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eek no answers yet has noone stopped in whitby??
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At the risk of sounding like a lush, what drink has the most alcohol with the least calories? A friend was just asking. Not me.
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please help me I am in desperate need of the music played in this sky advert, please help I have been after it forever !!
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i need some inspiration. i dont want lasagne, bolognaise or chilli, but i love rich strong flavours (ie. i dont want to taste the beef!). as a last resort i have a jar of pataks madras paste, but i...
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Anyone have any idea about the shelf-life of the new Heinz Taste of Home soups? There`s about 4 that we`ve tried and they`re very good. They`re available from the shelf so no need to put in the...
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Im having a cheese and wine night, whats the strongest tasting cheese I can get, or the most unsual cheese..any suggestions..??
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you may had played them as school similar to flossy the frog game there was i am looking for the games that matches this description, you would go thought the wood to find the honey and then you would...
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ive had mirena fitted 3.5 weeks ago getting mega abdo cramps no bleeding temp etc unable to feel strings and not been shown how to find them
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Im about 8 weeks pregnant & about 15-20 mins ago i had really bad stomach cramps all over so i couldn't get up. They've now gone but im feeling very dizzy, hot and spaced out. i don't want to pick my...
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i dropped a passenger and the fare came to ?65..after the lousy excuse,he assured me he would pay the next day.i asked for something to hold on to and he gave me his entire identity details from...
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Has anyone been to a health spa before, what are kind of things I need to take?
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Hi all, I am giving my bedroom a well-deserved makeover but am unsure as to what colors to go with. My bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers are all a black-brown so am wondering what color I should /...
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has anybody a good recipe for a starter for the xmas dinner
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Hi im going to write this best i can..... I split with my ex at the start of the year, i moved into her house after a long while ago, we ended up splitting up after her wrong doings and it tore me...
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Does anyone take any vitamin tablets to ward off colds and flu? I started taking Vitamin C tablets several months ago, but they haven't stopped me from getting the sniffles. [:o(
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Recently I often wake up at about half past six and then find it hard to fall asleep again ,but before I had a lot of sleep and didn't wake up until I heard the alarm,even stopped it to go on...
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where is a nice eurpean city to visit,,,on a budget,,,have been barcelona/poland/paris but am wondering maybe we would get better value for money in bucharest? riga? bratislava ? we want a nice 4 star...
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I want to make up a post birth hamper for my best friend as a present for her as opposed to baby (who seems to have everything despite not being born yet!). I have a few ideas but having never given...
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I came across this article recently which I have heard about before y---The-Amazing-Truth-Revealed&id=1023921 My question is are any of you able to...

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