After several weeks now, with just a small strand of moss in my new camera nesting box, I'm now pleased to report that the is now being used. A blue tit is now in the process building a nest within...
I have just been to liddl for a quick shop while it is quiet,i cant get a tesco delivery spot, anyway at the checkout i said to the young checkout lad,thanks for doing your bit for us in these...
The local Tennis Club reported that their web site is down. They say they have trouble with their server. I found a Horror book written in Braille. Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it. I...
Are you lonesome tonight, is your bra-strap too tight, are your corsets just drifting apart, have you got a big chest making holes in your vest, does your spare tyre reach out into the night, are your...
We didn’t bother with the normal Sunday dinner, it’s not a normal Sunday ,we had Freezer Bingo, just chose something and ate it from the freezer , had a nice evening over a bottle of wine with the OH...
Just seen that this Chelsea legend died today - no mention of C-19.
Really sad news - RIP Peter "The Cat"...
I've stocked up on loads of ice-cream, timned fruit and raspberry sauce. Ive just heard my husband tell his mother on the phone, "She must be planning to self isolate for a month of sundaes."...
Here, we’ve had a young chap set up his speakers and gave everyone an impromptu concert, people kept to their social distancing , this was yesterday where the sun was warm, I think it lifted...
Prince Charles is visiting an Edinburgh hospital. He enters a ward full of patients with no obvious sign of injury or illness and greets one. The patient replies: “Fair fa your honest sonsie face,...
Going into a teenager’s room is like taking a trip to Ikea. . . .
. . . You pop in just to look and end up leaving with 6 cups, 2 plates, 3 bowls, a tea towel and loads of cutlery....
'Something is stirring in the souls of millions presently under lockdown. The number of people searching for the word ‘prayer’ on Google ‘skyrocketed’ last month, doubling with every 80,000 new...