A question for the male ABankers (and any ladies that want to add their views). Do you think that thongs showing above the very low hipster jeans that young ladies wear these days look...
I'm currently in India doing the travel thang, and I know I'm not supposed to care about my appearence on such a life changing voyage, but I do!!! My hair has gone not only very brittle but a...
When is the best time to have my 3 month old kitten neutered/spayed (it's a boy, can never remember which one is which). Also is there anything I can do to stop him eating my house plants? I heard...
I have just bought a 16 month old labrador who gets car sick even on short journeys. I have been told there is a herbal remedy that works, does anyone know what it is called, or any other wasy to...
hey, going travelling in may, due to spend a month in OZ before moving onto the states, but starting in sydney. little bit clueless as to 'must sees' in OZ, was hoping for some...
I know everyone is different, but if you are suffering from depression, for whatever reason/s, do you think it's best to try to soldier on without taking anti-depressants, or trying to persevere with...
This is quite embarrasing but I get quite a lot of excess body hair, especially around my chin and on my neck (which i fin dver weird). I dont have a full grown beard of anything but you can see it...
I know this sounds very bizarre but my partner and i were talking about it. As you do.... Why do farts released in the shower smell worse than those freed in a non humid environment??
googled and found that in the states you can buy selfcontained drug testing kits ( I know about prenancy tests already) but these ones are for cocain, opiates..etc.....is their something similar...