Two problems, I think with this puzzle: 1. There is a clash in the intersection of 13a and 6d 2. The 'normal entry' in the preamble is in fact the unclued 17d I'd be interested to see other solvers'... ...
Spectator 2694 One of Doc's better efforts but has Doc made a mistake in the conflict between 6d (Order of redundancies of camping equipment) and 13a (Scottish bird sports new supporting items on... ...
Another reasonably straightforward puzzle - I thought 43a was well hidden. However I can't quite work out the wordplay in 25d The heart of holy Adriatic port (4) It can only be 'Bari' but why...
A nice, gentle offering from Fire this week; but I'm struggling to parse the wordplay in 24a: Returning to minister's house, discovered cat hiding in furniture (8) 'Ottomans' fits but can someone... ...
Happy New Year ABers! Not a clue question, just requiring confirmation that we only have to shade (choosing words carefully) a "representation" of the five first words, and not all instances.... ...
Good evening, a very smooth and rapid solve of Doc’s offering as far as the clues are concerned! The Unclueds are a different kettle of fish! I am stuck on three of them and am not sure if I’m on... ...
31a Anti-nuclear treaty prompts no action from Lord’s, say (4,3) test ban? 25d Small sand eel, it seems, or other marine animal (8) L???E?ES lookslike an anagram of s sand... ...
Good morning, I’ve got the quotation and the author, but am stuck on a few clues for which I would appreciate help to continue. Thanks in advance! 13a Queen hugs almost dehydrated girl (8) :... ...
Good afternoon, an interesting Doc offering dealing with first names. I’m stuck on this last clue for which I would appreciate help. Thanks in advance! 7d King at dance, losing weight ( 7 ) :... ...
Just a check as I've kept the British end up and finished the grid - 20d Extremely clever nurses invite busy person for a drink (4,4) C?S? / B?E? Is it C(')EST BIEN and if so, why? ...
Good morning, my favourite Doc challenges me this week with the following for which I would appreciate a few hints. Many thanks in advance! 27a Hours away from Shoreditch organising game like... ...
6 down upset fools perhaps set up (8) ------e- 6 across small capitals backed capital of dross (7) ----i-- as you can see the northeast has me troubled, let alone the quote
This fell into place quite easily, but 6d is causing me grief. Simultaneously discharges drunken volleys (7). I have all the crosschecked letters: VO-LE-S ... so I can't see what it can possibly be,... ...