Why do most farmers wear a checked shirt, and its always brown. if you watch country file, or a cattle auction, their all wearing the same ruddy shirt. :0
if you can book more than one day, as i tried booking for monday 10th which i have done and tried booing one for the 18th but you can't do that with Sainsbury's, can you with other shops... hope that...
New one on me. Email from TV.LICENSING.SECURE.MAIL+ID20178236104812@41938.55201982.EMAILS561872229.emailslicensingtv.[uk] Some rubbish about changing systems, sting of course being that if I don't log...
Cant wait to try these
Skype for business has decided it wants to be on my computer. Cannot get rid of it. Icon on toolbar.... keep getting little popups that it is running. I have ticked all options to stop it running on...
Not sure when but I saw a teaser for the new series of Luther, Ruth Wilson is back I wonder if it will be an xmas outing. All the previous seasons are on iplayer - I've spent the weekend catching up....
On Celebrity Tipping Point yesterday the celebrity who decided to take the cash rather than gamble it, was a 'celebrity' called Jamelia, when asked which charity she wished to gift her winnings to,...
How much more disrespectful can Jeremy Corbin get . Blue hoodie coat and hardly a respectful bow when laying down the Labour Party wreath . As a family of all ages we are so angry . We lost Family in...
Just pondering what ‘modern’ words I never use, and never would. 1) Hi. Hello, I’ll say, or good morning, good day, pleased to meet you, etc, but never “Hi”. 2) Poo (or Poop) I might have...
I passed my driving test this morning. I thought I’d blown it at one point but alas no. 9 minors but hey I passed!
Just need to change the insurance on my car and get out on the road....
The burning of Boris Johnson, Theresa May’s severed head, the burning of Christian crosses and even worse than all these white persons daring to paint their faces black. /// As the giant model went...
This was posted to my FB page - what are your thoughts? Right I'm confused. Snowflakes say I can't get a gingerbread man, or write on a blackboard. Outrage this morning after some blokes lit up a...
Seems the government, after getting so many Brownie points a few months back when it announced a reduction in mandatory stake limits for fixed-odds betting terminals from £100 a time to £2, is...
Is it because people don't want to do a spoiler for those who may have recorded it but not yet watched? I thought it would be the talk of CB this morning!