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If space is a vacuum and the earth's atmosphere is pressurised what holds the atmosphere in and stops it being sucked into the oblivion of space?
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Would some christian please explain the meaning of these 2 verses of Matthew chapter 10. I gather these are the words of Jesus Christ. A man of peace ? "Think not that I am come to send peace on...
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The radius of a satellite's orbit is inversely proportional to its velocity. If a satellite is slowed by drag and its velocity not corrected by thrusters, why does its orbital radius not increase?
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If we follow the evidence, as I have done for many years, then we can suffer a blow out like Richard Dawkins, who ignores the evidence in favour of his own misguided atheistic zeal, or honestly and...
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How on earth do they think they can generate sufficient energy to fly a passenger plane? I notice, which can't help but raise a smile "The company is currently seeking to improve its batteries " !...
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What is the diameter of a rainbow?
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Young people search in vain for employment. Many risk their lives to move to more prosperous lands.....
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Stabbings, bombings, riots and even within governments we see nothing but turmoil. Even in society there are disputes with gender. Are you a he, she or an it? What was normal is now in the minority....
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Anyone looking out for this, this evening? I know it's only 4.5% coverage, but having not been able to get to the US for the stunning show this will have to do. With eclipse glasses, of course. You...
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I'm not sure if this is old news or not but the Telegraph has reported that the sample of moonrock given the Holland by Neil Armstrong in 1969 hàs turned out to be fake. Why would they do this as it...
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I sometimes put a dish of left over meat out for visiting cats. I did this tonight. I usually know when a cat has arrived as the patio light comes on. But no light so far tonight. I had a quick look...
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In the centre of a sunflower is a seed pattern similar to the shape of a galaxy seen side-on, or the sparks from a Catherine wheel firework, like the beginning of lots of rotating spirals all starting...
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Don't think Allah has much to do with this question tbh, but here goes. If the followers of Allah get their knickers in a twist over depictions of Mohammed, why are so many men called Mohammed? Is it...
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Why is it that I find men kissing each other a bit iffy? Ive had several gay (male) friends in the past, I'm not homophobic in the least and would defend anyones rights to love who they want, but I...
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Out for an early morning walk in the park. Was confronted with a clear plastic bag filled with dog dirt hanging from the lower branches of a tree! There was a rubbish bin less than 20 feet away....
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Have been (re)reading this book by William James. I think that I know the general concensus of ABers re: religious/spiritual experiences but as it seems a human thing to have transcendental experinces...
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Only we humans think we are special, and we have only existed for a few hundred thousand years. All other organisms have an unaware finite existence. Even the Universe has a finite existence. So...
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Chatting with an old friend, a life-long Union man, who’s always claimed to espouse the Marxist philosophy of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”, but on this...
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another warning for mankind, mmm so convincing..jc coming back and all that, i cannot believe people look forward to an apocalypse likes its a great thing for there club of the chosen few....

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