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Many would do anything to abandon any principle, just to stay alive. (Job 2:4)...
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Has anyone come across this and has an opinion on it?...
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I've been asked this question . What do you think ?
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What gives your life more 'juice'? Been reading some philosophical type stuff recently and just doing a straw survey here. What gives your life its energy? Is it pursuing a hedonistic type of...
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From what I understand the earth revolves around the sun and the sun revolves around a black hole in the middle of the galaxy. In turn, apparently the black hole in the centre of the galaxy is also...
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Up A Cup Breast Enhancement Cream Reviews rankings 6th widely used among almost all treatments soon after breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid modification, stomach tuck in addition to...
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Does our Soul live even after we die?
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is there ANYTHING that would make you think that you may be wrong? And in the interest of equality, sceptics, is there anything that might make you think you may be wrong?...
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Do you know what? Im so sick of hearing about Islam and its sick ideology and its proponents on here. Im sick of its own sick ideas and those that defend it. If you want to live under its sick and...
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Perhaps the best-known statement in that sermon is the one that is often called the Golden Rule. It has to do with how we treat others. “Just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to...
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Quasars are said to have trillion times more energy than the Sun.Is this calculated on the huge distances the Quasar is emitting from?
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Hi Naomi, Just to let you know that I have devoured Animal Farm in one sitting! Although under a hundred pages I found the content and depth behind it more superior to some books I've read that are...
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First time I have heard of this group ... Anyone heard of them? Some interesting videos...
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Not a question, but something for anyone who's interested.
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All things being equal (which they never are), the volume of a body goes up in proportion to the cube of a linear dimension. The volume of a sphere of radius 2r will be 8 times the volume of a sphere...
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A simple question, or is it? Do you believe that the world we live in is becoming more illogical? Do outside influences such as the media influence and deepen our intolerance to such an extent that...
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Can it be explained in simple terms, the extent of impact of two vehicles in a head-on collision. Here's my scenario:- car A & car B are travelling in opposite directions, both are doing 50 mph (no...
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Could a smell be so bad that the smell itself and the smell alone would kill you?
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Spent an evening with a few friends tonight....a few drinks, (quiet a few actually) pleasant company etc. Dont know why but somehow conversation invariably turns to philosophy, religion, meaning of...

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