I want to cover a wing backed arm chair very cheaply and have managed to get hold of some calico. Is it possible to dye calico as I feel that cream isn't practible!
My friends 5yr old son started to behave rudely towards everybody, family or strangers he knows no bounds. He shouts and calls people stupid idiots and calls his mother a stupid cow. Neither one of...
Do women still expect, or like, a man to be chivalrous or more importantly do men like to be chivalrous towards women? It seems to be a lost art, at least with many of the men I know, I'd quite like...
The news has been full of killings or attacks by (drunk?) teenagers when confronted by innocent citizens protecting their property. Would you still approach a gang of youths to ask them to stop doing...
What is a real man? Is it about hunting, shooting, fishing or shagging lots of girls and getting drunk. Do real men cry or do they squash their emotions and then punch some one to deal with those...
Does anybody else agree that space travel is a waste of money. Millions is poured into this worthless activity and I think that the money could be spent better elsewhere. Please, somebody tell me what...
We have my 20yr old son's 17yr old girlfriend staying at the moment and it's driving me nuts! Their relationship isn't great at the best of times, in fact he doesn't seem to even want her here, but...
In a couple of weeks time a friend is coming for dinner at my house. It won't be a formal dinner as I don't even have a table so we'll be eating from our laps. I would love some suggestions for a main...
A friend recently confided in me, but I wish he hadn't as what he told me is very top secret and now I wish I could just forget about it, only I can't. I'm not about to tell anybody what he told me...
I received an email about Blackle recently but we can't figure out if it's a genuine search engine or not, if it really saves on electricity and if so how? Am I being fooled?!
I wouldn't say that I'm eccentric but I do think for myself and live my life the way I want to. I do think that with so many regulations and not wanting to actively break the law it must be harder to...
How many true eccentrics do you know? The government would like everyone to conform and eat the same food, not smoke, only drink so many units etc. Do you know anyone who sticks their fingers up to...
I have been looking everywhere for a blue chambray or light weight denim double duvet cover and pillow cases. Any ideas other buying fabric and making my own!
I've been told that wireless is very unsafe and that it's very easy for someone to access your computer. Is this true and what can you do to prevent this? When answering please bear in mind that I...
If you were caught growing a couple of marijuana plants what would happen? And no I'm not growing it but it came up in conversation and we were very unsure as to want the penalties are.
I am alone in the house this evening and I'm having a great time dancing around the living room to some very loud music (Metallica, yes I'm a girl and I can air guitar better than any man). What do...