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This new enquiry into the corruption over the Lambeth child sex ring is to be conducted by the Police themselves. Isn't this a bit like asking the boy next to you to mark your homework ? Does anybody...
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mikey4444 What a pity that it has taken 25 years to get at the truth....
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1a....A piece about fine 17 member....?M?R?C? AMERICA ? Can't see how !...
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mikey4444 This is potentially a very serious investigation for the Met. A couple of years ago, this would have swept under the carpet, yet again, but not now. I hope the...
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Even better this week !
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3d....Pointed remark, suggestion involving English roast. B???E?U?....BARBEQUE ? Can't see the parsing here !...
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I have not noticed these cars much before but three times this week, I have seen them on the M4 in South Wales, driving very slowly along the inside lane. They were three different cars on three...
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mikey4444 Tories down 9 from 1st March and Labour up 7. Ukip still at 1 seat and SNP still at 46. But prediction of Labour majority unchanged at 33%....
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Last two 26a....A greeting he will love....H?I?? 24d...Doctor's amputation, say, taking head off....D???S...
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1d....Support beginning to fail badly in work on excavation B?C?F?L?....BACKFILL ? Not sure of the parsing here....
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mikey4444 I know its a bit of a forlorn hope, but I really, really, hope this chap wins in South Thanet ! "I'm a true British man - I neither cry nor weigh...
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I trying to add a new contact to my email addresses. I use BT Yahoo mail. But when I put the details in and try to save, I get the following error message :: "could not increment revision for...
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mikey4444 His crimes were committed 40 years ago, so it just goes to prove the old adage. To paraphrase Sextus Empiricus..."the wheels of justice grind slowly, but...
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mikey4444 I bet he wishes he didn't do all that smirking outside the Court last year !...
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mikey4444 This must be the nearest thing to a Busman's Holiday that Kate has ever experienced !...
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mikey4444 Anybody who is still unsure whether to vote for UKIP or not in a few weeks time had better see this. He wants to repeal anti-race discrimination laws ! This will...
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17d....Sweep with long flourish.....P?N?C?E....PANACHE ? If this is right, I have problems with 25a....Atonement's right in the end E?P?R?T?O?......EXPIRATION ? Can't parse this at all !...
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mikey4444 Why doesn't he just stop listening to his swivel-eyed advisers and appear on TV alongside everybody else ? What is...
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Who will watching tonight ? I shall, at least for the location work. Cornwall at its best !
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mikey4444 I wonder if a certain J Savile was suspected as well, before the Queen did her bit with the sword ?...

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