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wot a horrid woman fake !!!!!
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not exactly covered, but he had a smear of poo on his shoulder. i managed to rub alot of it off with dam kitchen roll, but he doesnt really like being handled. I dont think i could bath him. do i need...
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We are in need of a new vacuum cleaner. Must be of a good quality, plenty of suction, and bagged! I have had a miele pet & dog before and was very impressed. what would u recommend? .........or...
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"Doc was suspended for spamming." And there was me thinking "spamming" was advertising. Do not reply, I have decided to get a life. I am far too old to keep looking over my...
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How many pople are you having round/ will be where-ever you're going? It started off with five of us, now there's six and possibly 7, and thats only after 1 week of first planning it, god knows how...
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i find it hard to believe Linford Christie got the second highest amount of votes to do yesterday's Bushtucker Trial. I know he had made it clear he was dying to do one. But he was always obviously...
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May indulge myself in some for lunch later, but when you have your fish and chips, what do you like to have with it as an extra?...........baked beans, mushy peas, garden peas, gravy, curry sauce or...
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Hi Can you use a bed that has been stored for 10 years? I moved in with my guy 10 years ago so my bed was put in storage up stairs where he works, now we are moving, we need extra beds, he wont use my...
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OMG OMG OMG OMG... Nannydom beckons.... I am to be NannaBananas next summer. My Daniel Spaniel and his gorgeous girlie are going to have a sproglet. I'm not even 50 yet - how can this possibly be? I...
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Morning Ed, I've just perused some of the threads this morning from over the weekend and it appears ummmm and docspock have been suspended. Surely this a mistake and maybe they got caught in some sort...
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Se they are thinking of selling fags in plain packets Would it work ?All these ideas to lessen the smoking of fags .There is so much made on them it would leave a big hole in the money coming in tax...
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Letters keep arriving at my Mum's address for somebody who lives at a hostel (I think it's a bail hostel). My Mum has put them back in the post box with return to sender on them. Se doesn't want to...
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Did anyone watch this programme on BBC Three last night, about Jono Lancaster, a young man born with Treachers Collins Syndrome. The programme was particularly interesting to my wife and self as we...
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Arrrggghhh I hate bad and inconsiderate parkers, just had someone block my drive for the last hour while they went off somewhere. Good job they just came back coz i've got to go out in a minute...
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Why do some spouses being kings or queens and some don't. We have heard that if William ever becomes king, Kate will be Queen Katherine and Camilla may become Queen. But why isn't Prince Philip King...
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My Dad receives a pension from the RAF. When he dies, does the pension just stop or does it continue to be paid to his next of kin? He is divorced. I'm not looking seeing what I can get, just curious.
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My boyfriend calls his ex girlfriend babe? He has a child with her and refers to his ex as 'babe in the text messages he sends her. Its really upset me and he can't seem to understand what the big...
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it can go either way if i go guilty i get a conviction of violent disorder and am not to sure what this will do to my uni life or life in general? or i could go to trial and fight it and hope it get...
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i applied to join and havent been accepted yet.....sniff sniff sniff
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bites the dust! He didn't last long did he?...

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