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name the reddish brown band that came on the scene with an album of songs about jane
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Ok! i work with this man!...he is waayyyy older than 18 and hes about 50. dont get me wrong, hes not an OLLLD man who walks around with a cane.B4 i knew he was 50, i wud have sworn he was in...
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What is the most overrated characteristic or trait and why? 
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I was just wonderin whether straightening your hair affects growth rate???? Also is there anything i could do to help my growth rate. thanx a lotxxx  
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Any good ones in North London, ideally near Finchley and near public transport? Thanks
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i want to know about the reasons that he did(does) his art the way he did(does)! i find it very interesting and amazing and would like to know more about him, or possibly any book titles/websites,...
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Where can I buy self-sealing mount board for mounting my photographs prior to framing
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is pop art considered contemporary even if it's from the 60's?
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Mine is: For my face: Boots No. 7 Gentle Soap Free Wash - Vitamin Pro 85 For my body: Dove Cream Bar   My husband won't use anything else but Palmolive!
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why does my three year old daughter have dark dody hair
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Has anyone else noticed that if you eat/drink a lot of one type of food/drink then after a few days the aroma of your urine is similar. I conducted a quick straw-poll amongst the guys and girls in our...
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Dom Tuk
Why do so many people have a mole on the back of the neck just below the hair line on the right side. Check your family and mates or yourself and you will find its there. what does it mean.
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i write with my left but throw with my right i hold a spoon in my left but play snooker with my right i play tennis with my left but play darts with my right, am i right or left handed and can someone...
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I have a very intimidating professor who has asked us to read a book outside of class every month. I have so much work that I do not have time to read a long book. What's a short book that will...
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john sanders
   which artist did the pink nude

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