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i see my friend and her two children almost everyday. Only yesterday found out that her little boy has got chickenpox. Iv been told that this could be very bad for the baby as I have been in contact...
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I went to a toy fair last week and took my 6 year old along with me. We got to a stall which had 'Pez' items on it and as my daughter loves these we stopped to have a look. One of the boxes was...
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A dying woman will decide which one to help by bequeathing them an organ ? aided by viewers' text votes. The Big Donor Show ? which goes out on Dutch TV on Friday ? has also been slammed by the...
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is it just me being an over protective parent or is it absoloutly crazey to leave 2 2year olds and a 3 year old home alone in a foreign country.I feel really sorry for madeleines parents don't get me...
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what is the best way to "accidentaly" knacker a tv set?
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What is the best way to eat beans on toast? I'm not talking about just grating some cheese on top or putting some worereceseteshire sauce on it. Woostestershire. Whatever.
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1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is? 2 People who are willing...
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she just wakes up and its s hard toget herback to sleep as I have to feed her back again, really appreciate advice
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In your opinion..... How was the world made? Religious, scientific or other answers are welcome! :O)
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AB Asks
New Government advice advises pregnant women and those who are trying for a baby to avoid alcohol completely. Previously it was suggested one or two units a week would not harm a baby or the chance of...
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about area's in london...has been moved to technology - internet - if anyone could help...Thanks!!!
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Does anyone have the latest discount code for the website?
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i dont know if this is in the right place or not, sorry if its not, but my dishwasher, which is quite a new bosch one, smells. even when ive cleaned it ( the trap and everything), it still smells. its...
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my ex went into hiding with my do i find her.....i have no money for private investigators.....i only have her mobile number which she doesnt answer i last saw my son two years ago
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why do so many people pay more for something used on ebay, that they get brand new and cheaper (or only a fraction more) in the shops?
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Masterfoods have backed down. here (:O)
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At the beginning of BIG Tom Hanks (as a child) is playing a game - I used to play this about 15+ years ago and cant for the life of remember whats its caled - Does anyone know??? Thanks Sarah.
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Baby Jane
what would they be? You can have anything you want
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Can someone settle a completely silly argument me and my friend are having. She says her son who's three should wear underwear under his pyjamas at night. I say he shouldn't. Can anyone help settle...
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arent they a waste of time? u get a qualification to say this is what i do already.

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