I suffer from arthritis in my spine, hips and knees. I also get terrible pains in my feet and cramp in my calves whilst in bed at night which affects my sleep. Is this common with any...
i am looking to put some vents onto my bonnet. i have looked around for these and now im stuck. is it just simply a case of spraying them to the colour i want, cutting out a hole and sticking them on...
I have carelessly scratched the surface of my wife's new car, when trying to remove a couple of ground in stains - I very gently used a scouring pad, which I usually use for her...
I believe they do. But the higher forms such as mammals and birds. But do all creatures have a soul. what about insects or snakes or even fish. What about those. I can't be sure.Where do you draw the...
One person attacks another, using a knife and rendering the victim (a local scumbag drug dealer) seriously injured. Whilst the victim recovers in hospital, the attacker flees, and goes into hiding out...
i am interested in becoming an international horse transporter but dont really know what this involves.i have seen adverts for horse transporters displaying qualifications.what sort of qualifications...
Is there a way to stop receiving answer alerts to your original post? When a post of yours starts a debate between two posters it is a tad annoying when you keep recieving alerts and they have nothing...
My doctor said I have high blood pressure and I am only 28 and I dont have a stressful job. A few hours before my blood pressure was tested I had an espresso. Is this likely to raise...
What are the advantages of having a bullet spin as it travels. I assume it is caused by the rifle, or groove on the inside of the barrel? Is it for accuracy?