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If the Bible is to be believed(As Millions do), Adam and Eve were created by god, Who we are all decended from, So where do they fit in, in evolutionary terms? Were they apes, cos surely that's where...
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Myself and my boyfriend are planning on packing it all in and going travelling for 18months or so. Ideally, we'd like to live and work in the States for a year and then finish off with a 3 month...
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Hi, hope someone can help me. I have terrible skin. I have inherited large pores (it didn't help that I used to smoke- now given up), I can be prone to blackhead, whitehead, small 'pinhead' spots,...
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My right front canine is still a milk tooth, even though I am in my 30s!  The problem is, it is now starting to get really discoloured. I have an adult tooth above it, but it shows no sign of...
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ive failed 4 times got another one in may i think i may end up with a record soon enough! anybody else suffering?
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My landlord won't allow us to put picture hooks on the walls and I am desperate to decorate the flat with pictures and posters.  Is there any way I can use blu-tack to stick things to the...
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While driving this morning I came off a roundabout in the outside lane onto a dual carriageway, with slower cars on my inside so I stayed in the outside. By the time I was doing 60mph...
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After reading a post in a previous question i have worried myself, some one posted that being A rhesus negative can affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill? Does any one know any more on...
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ok, I'll explain my situation, i really like my one of my best female friends (I'm a male by the way), and she knows but doesn't want to get into a relationship, because, she see me as a friend, and...
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My parents have recently discovered the joy of smoothies and have one for lunch every day.  If they use 2 apples, 2 bananas, strawberries/raspberries, a little orange juice and a fruit...
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Why do most people moan about labour and say they won't vote for them?  a lot of people moan about the war and Tony Blair and disagree with a lot of things he has done.  Yet, I bet labour...
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ive got my leaving ball at university in 3weeks and i dont know what to wear. do you think i should stick to a tux or does anybody hav any different suggestions. any help is much appreciated thanks :p
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I'm a student and during term time I live in a different constituency to my permanent address. I appear to be registered to vote in both areas and have received poll cards for the general...
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Ok guys heres the question. I have got the chance to move to USA with the family as my wife has an opportunity for a job. I am highly paid bored frustrated and generally unsatisfied with my current...
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I cant see any reason why people put them in their cars. Do you change the way you drive if you see one of these stickers??
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I can't seem to find any information about how to obtain a temporary working visa for Australia. I can only find one if you are aged 18-30, and I'm over 30. Any information would be welcome....
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silly moo
There have been a couple of threads recently about killing various animals - often those classed as vermin by some. i was curious how many people think killing foxes, crows, squirrels etc is wrong BUT...
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So far we know ABer's ages, gender, locations, shoe sizes and various personal preferences. I thought it would be interesting to find out what my fellow ABer's jobs/careers are, so, what do you...
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Oor Wullie
On another site I visit a member made a comment about homosexuals. He said it was an unnatural act. That god made Adam & Eve. Not Adam & Adam or Eve & Eve. He also said that homosexuals...
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i was once on a flight from Gatwick to Rome and found myself sat next to a young man and his mother. Obviously we chatted and it turned out that we both came from the same town near blackpool; then we...

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