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I am cursed with shingles across my chest and left side and am taking prescibed pain-killer tablets which are nearly all used up. What treatment have other had? Can anyone suggest a soothing cream or...
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Can anyone please recommend a web site I can trust, to get vitamin supplements from. Thanks.
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I would appreciate any help about what to get as a Christening gift for 11 month old twin girls as I don't know what to get....
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On my way home on the bus yesterday, the bus driver opened the wheelchair ramp but when he tried to close it, it would not budge. This has happened on many occasions and all the passengers have had to...
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I usually read horror, eg. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, James Herbert, but recently prefer crime/thriller. Just finished re-reading the Jack Reacher novels and wonder if someone could suggest another...
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Does anyone really give two hoots about either women's football or the Royal baby? And if so why?
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Are there any destinations that you would love to visist ?
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I am a Clydesdale Bank customer. Does anyone know what ATM's I can use free of charge in Jersey, UK
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Need a decent but competitively priced hotel or B&B in Covent Garden .... sick of going in circles on comparison websites as they all change prices every time I look ................ any...
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The Duchess of Cornwall will be installed as chancellor of Aberdeen University on Monday. Just wondering what good she will do to Aberdeen and also thinking how time blurs the edges!
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Rent was meant to go into my account on the 1st which was sat. It hasn't went in yet. How long should I wait before contacting tenant?
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Dee Sa
I was called by 01132989890 this morning but did not make the phone in time, I do not recognise the number starting 011 and as I am now classed as a vulnerable old lady I don't want to call them back.
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I was not sure where to post this. We will be "homeless " due to a house move for 4-5 weeks from around the 20th June. We thought of trying to hire a static dog friendly caravan without getting...
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I got bored and thought "I wonder what people think the worst book ever written is?" So I'm asking...
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Hi, I am looking into starting up a small, homemade food business - selling at local markets / county shows etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find out the basics like the legal...
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I am having a holiday in North Cyprus booked through Mercury Direct travel agent. my plane Lands at Lanarca airport,I am wondering how the onward transfer too my intended Hotel is handled,has anybody...
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Just wondering how many of you have a TV in the bedroom, I refuse to have one in mine and wouldn't allow my children one in theirs until they could buy one for themselves. Daughter who is still at...
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I have just finished Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier, and I enjoyed it so much that I just wanted to share it with everybody ! I have also watched the famous film made of the book, with Olivier, and it...
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Sorry but what does it actually mean that we are not in a recession anymore? Are we all suddenly rich with no money cares in the world?
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As the title says really; where did you stay? Were there any problems? TIA Doc...

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