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met to promote candidate - led to copper being taken on board ?A?C??D - only word I can get is CAUCUSED - have checked Chambers and Caucus can be used as a verb but apart from CU for copper I just...
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don't get it - briefly stir drink: that's enough to achieve motion? ?U?R?M - any ideas anyone?
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Stuck on the last one - 6 down - married women mostly entering strait in a fluster -S?I?E?T - have been through Chambers and cannot find anything which fits the bill - or am I just thick?
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Last one offensive player demands extra handset ?I?E ?E?E?V?R - looks like wide receiver but don't get the wordplay - enlightenment somebody please!
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last one - did prune wine after a year P?R?T - totally baffled -would appreciate assistance!
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Have completed but am not sure about 20 across - Blunt interrogator in Bennet Play C?U?B - have gone for CLUBB (blunt as in instrument) but am not confident - can anyone put me straight about this...
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stuck on 8 down - Fish gulping oxygen beginning to breathe - either D?O?R? or D?O?E? - dependent on whether 12 across is (toaste)r or (toasti)e - one raising a glass - something brown or white in it -...
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2 down - funny team not bottom of division - G?G Looks like gag but don't get it!
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I completed this last night but8 down is nagging at me. I have DEM(A)(accountant would join this old Oxford scholar in specialised school) as the respective letters are obtained from SER(DAB),...
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stuck on the last one - expert with opinion about phenomenon in the desert ?EB?AD - can anyone assist?
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Help! Stuck on the last 2 - 40 across take us on a tour in mediaeval music C???U?T?S - only thing I can come up with is circuitus and there is no such word in Chambers 27 down Perhaps 3 currency in...
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Ground to a halt - need help here please: 10 across Father of Kim as US novelist O?A?A Absolutely no idea; 26 across A face visible every day on the New York subway but hardly ever in the TLS...
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I have finished this but not sure whether I am correct with 19 down as I don't actually get the parsing - Aged welder, say, shows craft needing gas AE?OBOT for which I have AEROBOT - can anyone put me...
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Completely thrown by the last 2 ie 45 down In church maybe stop tribe drinking port! C?A?I?N and 48 down Islander needing beer but with no head A?E?T - need help from one the eggheads please!!
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Need parsing on what I hope are correct answers - 12 across suggestion not to be ignited by Spark D?S?U?B - Disturb? 16 down Was he a camera? I?H?R?O?D - Isherwood? and 11 across Grave Scots poet of...
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23 Down quietly hugely impressed and touched T?W?D that presupposes I have 23(tub bore), 25( win the day) and 27 (Durum) across correct Anyone got any ideas?
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rattled through this great guns until the last one which has had me through Chambers 4 times! 15 across Smearing conveyed by note carried by Antipodean idiot N?I?T?N? Completely bamboozled - can any...
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20 down - stream, spread evenly, moved between posts ?E?P?D - only thing I can come up with is HEAPED - if this correct, can someone please tell me why?
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not sure whether to go for Linkman or LINEMAN or LONGMAN in 46 across - snapper not abundant limiting openings for new sea missions (L?N?M?N) can anyone clear this up for me please
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22 down old people flying over Portuguese resort ?A?O - not a clue - does anyone know the answer?

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