after being informed by microsoft that a new version of messnger was now available (6.2) - i upgraded and now receive this message when trying to login "We were unable to sign you into .net messenger...
i have a Siemens SL55 mobile and i have been sent a few MMS (one ringtone and two pics) but when i receive the message it simply says log on to to view these messages. obviously i would...
i recently obtained a second hand phone (cheers buttons!) which runs like new but we're having a slight problem. when i set up the audio for the phone - i set all the ringers (inc messages and alarms...
i recently noticed a new shortcut on my IE explorer toolbar sor lycos search assistant - i deleted it but i'm getting 2-3 popups with every web page i visit! how do you stop it?! i dont know if i have...
one day it's working fine - next day i try to download quicktime (which didn't work) - next day windows media player doesn't load! no messages or nothing - just plain refusal to do anything! help!
i noticed that the main characters in films usually have names relating to the sub-plot. when describing this to someone in the office i struggled to remember the examples that i had thought of...
you were allways on my mind, when i think of you i die, and i feel i'm falling in love with you, a love so deep and true. it's an old dance song - can't remember the name of it - HELP!
what's the best/worst joke you've ever heard? i heard the best knock knock joke the other day - knock knock, who's there, bigish, bigish who? no thanks pal.....ha ha ha
i am going to T in The Park this year (which has a tremendous line-up!) and i want to wear my libertines t-shirt that my mate knic...........ahem.........bought in london when we wnt to see them....
>> >A RIDDLE THAT'LL KILL YOUR BRAIN! This is going to make you so MAD! >> > >> >There are three words in the English language that end in 'gry'. ONE >> >is angry and the other is hungry. EveryONE...
i would like to know WHY these terrorist insiste on blowing themselves and other innocent people up? surely there is an epidemic in the middle-east of mental illness as no-one in their right state of...
anyone agree that these four chaps from the big smoke are the most exciting and innovative band around and are set to take the world by storm. I think it would be an injustice if they dont make it...
whatever happened to the great answerbank user Ned Flanders? He had a good contribution to this site and was a bit of a character! anyone know where he has gone?
anyone heard of there bunch of maniac's that were around in the mid eighties? their song's are lyrically insane but quite enjoyable (not whilst in the company of your gran!!)