Hi,can you help? I went to start my car last night, but on turning the key, it just made a clicking sound. The lights etc still work, but car won't start. Got a new battery just a few months ago so...
A bit of advice please...My daughter and her ex partner have three children together ages 10,7 and 4.. For the past 8-9 weeks he has not paid her any maintenance,says he can't afford it !!! For approx...
ive seen tons of posts on different sites about larger women wearing clothes too small for them so they just blibber out all over the place. Today i was in town and stood ages waiting for my mate to...
How's it going? I have a friend on facebook counting the days.... I give the boys 1 job to do a day. Eldest sons job today is to water the plants (in the garden) and you'd think I asked him to...
I'm in the awful position of having to have my cat put to sleep....I feel terrible about this but he's been losing weight for a couple of months, and has stopped cleaning himself in the last 2 weeks....
My Contract is up for renewal with Aol, I had a phone/internet package costing around £27.00 a month, on top of that i still had to pay bt for my phone line£20.00, Aol have informed me...
they have taken d.n.a samples from a little girl in india..british and american tourist alerted the police and are convinced it is the missing girl..lets hope so..
To all my AB friends, I am sad to say we had to make the very hard decision and have Bella put to sleep this morning, she was letting us know that she was tired, so we took her to the vets, she was...
My 11yr old has smashed his ipod touch screen, is there somewhere other than apple store that i can take it to get the screen repaired. Apple are so expensive (so ive been told!). How much should i...
My son has researched some deals and he reckons we are changing from BT to someone else, this may be from this week sometime apparently, he has more faith in the process than I do. If I am not here I...
I moved out of rented accommodation over a 1 month before my contract was up, cleaned the room (which landlord checked), locked the room and handed my keys back. Other tenants who I shared with were...
Hi, I have lent my daughter my new laptop cos she is converting some dusney stuff and this one of hers isn't doing it efficiently. So, last night this one was pefect, used it just on you tube and ab...
Not sure if this is the right category to put this in but here goes : Previous tenants had sky fitted but had to move out 5 months later. They have supplied a letter daying that the sky has been...