…. I have discovered that I am honoured with an invitation to Mrs.O’s fabulous Chatterbank fancy dress party – which I am, of course, delighted to accept. She’s chosen a costume for me –...
The Bible, Channel 5. I saw this advertised, and was greatly disappointed to discover it’s not an investigative documentary. Still, if anyone’s interested it starts on 30 November....
The All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, which says it represents more than 152,000 institutions across the country, has decided that allowing pupils to read the book, ‘I am Malala’, would...
It's a new one on me, but followers of Breatharianism believe food is unnecessary and sunlight can provide all the nourishment the body needs. Michelle Pfeiffer says she was 'saved' from this cult...
A day or two back a contributor here said…. “It's [the Bible's] contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date.” …. but he declined to...
Should someone who doesn’t understand that the poppy, rather than advocating war, is a symbol of respect for the war dead, be conducting a service of remembrance?...
During the course of discussions here I’ve put this question to several believers, with no response, so I'll throw it open. Following the crucifixion, the New Testament tells of dead men rising from...
... at least I think that's her name. I just inadvertently stumbled across what I think was a chat show hosted by her. Does anyone really watch that voluntarily?
Boris has suggested that children in our schools be taught Mandarin. Good idea or not? Does anyone fancy giving it a go themselves? I wouldn't mind trying it. It's different!...
I recorded this and have just watched the last of 5 episodes. Excellent! Did anyone else watch it? For anyone interested, I highly recommend it.