"Scientist Richard Dawkins, an atheist known worldwide for arguing against the existence of God, has described himself as a "cultural Christian". Being a Cultural Christian does not mean you have to...
What's the risk? . ..Hell existing and being sent to live in it for life. We know we all have to die one day, that is fact, but what happens to us after death? No one can prove it, no one has died and...
We don't have a Military topic, but I think this would be relevant on most here. http://forums.orange.co.uk/n/pfx/forum.aspx?ts n=1&nav=messages&webtag=fs_commsseniors&tid=14 723 I would ask, if your...
I've put this on here, as this site seemed the most appropiate. Please read, as it should concern us all. It may take a couple of posts. Please take the time to read this in memory of all those that...
Veganism acknowledges the intrinsic legitimacy of all life. It rejects any hierarchy of acceptable suffering among sentient creatures. It is no more acceptable to torment or kill creatures with...
As a Pagan I'm often asked what I do at Xmas. Do you get this a lot, and do you feel the need to explain that Xmas started as a Pagan festival, about midwinter, birth of the sun god etc etc etc? Or do...
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your hearts. To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. Anger is only one letter...
I bought some egg-mayonnaise rolls from the bakers for lunch today. Well I thought they were mayonnaise. When I got them home I discovered they wee made from salad cream instead. As a child I detested...
does anyone think thye should end the right to buy your council house, considering the housing problem we now have, should it have never been legal http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml...
This is not a "we are all doomed" question, but a genuine question on the future of this country. We are a relatively small country, with an ageing population (1 in 6 people are over 65). In an...
A Christian group has lost its court battle against Jerry Springer the Opera. The group claimed the show was blasphemous and the BBC received 63,000 complaints when it was aired on TV. What do you...