I trust all the doom-mongers who forecast the monarchy would disintegrate when Charles took over are feeling appropriately foolish. It appears to me to be as strong as ever. What do the doom-mongers...
Just got an email saying I could win a Ninja air fryer if I completed the survey from Sainsbury’s which I did cos there was nothing personal in it. They said congratulations I had won then asked for...
Just been reading a bit on Google about people who post on Facebook and they fall into various categories: have low-esteem, loners, extroverts, narcissists, neurotic, depressed, inquisitive,...
Perlease, I keep hearing "record breaking temperatures..." etc yada yada...in kin Spain! For EFF S! Who cares this is UK and it's still pretty kin freezing! Why are the news channels reporting on...
MPs have debated the consequences of Brexit for the first time since Britain left the EU. Resulting in the verdict that it was a Disaster. And that Brexits's impact would be greater than the Pandemic....
Hi, all. I'm changing the kitchen tap (old one is a Grohe mixer tap with hose pull-out) and I already have the new one (another Grohe mixer pull-out). I've changed taps before, both kitchen and...
Anyone fancy buying this new book Written By Anthony Seldon, which documents the chaos and downfall of the Johnson premiership , where Johnson says....... "I am the fuhrer,.... I am the King . And...
Your thoughts?
(This report is a bit outdated)...
This week on our click and collect we saved just over £50 due to the nectar offers, and £15 off voucher for spending over £150. Some of what we bought we didn’t need this week (four jars of Nescafé...
The poppy for poppy day this year is going to save the planet. Its made with 50% recycled cardboard coffee cups,WOW! Back in 1955 my first year in infant school I was cutting out flower shapes from...
I posted a GMEB thread at 03:16 today. Some 18 minutes later a duplicate GMEB thread was also posted. My thread was later removed. Spare Ed has already posted: "Avatar Image ABSpareEditorIn...
I've met this guy on a dating app who lives in England and I live in wales he wants to meet half way to go on a date. I definitely he wants it more than I do and I don't know if I want long distance...
What a lot of nonsense. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-65260945 //He said the pub had received more support than abuse and it was "still open and trading".// I'll 'ave 'alf please....
Probably after being sick of liquid soap dispensers etc during covid I have taken the retro step and now like to keep old fashioned well scented bar soaps by the basin. Although I put them on a dish...
Many did so, but it all seems to have been a bit of a joke now. No doubt when the 4 day strike is done and dusted we will be hearing that no one died due to the strike, that wouldn't have died anyway....