Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following employee statistics....... 29 have been accused of spouse abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 9...
There has been a recent debate that is calling for Nazi data drawn from holocaust victims to be made public. Such data is argued to benefit modern science as the experiments are likely never to be...
The IPCC say that the police take too many risks when chasing criminals in car chases, 48 people were killed last year due to police chases!!! Well wrap me up in clingfilm and spank me with the TV...
The Lib Dems want to "hammer" couples who earn over ?70k and single workers who earn more than ?46k. Well that's a sure fire vote winner isn't it? Tit.
Have the working classes any part to play in modern Britain? Their standard of education is so poor, that they are becoming a nation apart. They are unable to eat, or dress properly and totally devoid...
The grandmother of Ellie Lawrenson, the five-year-old who was mauled to death by a dog banned in Britain, was today cleared of the child's killing. Jacqueline Simpson, 45, was acquitted of...
Just remembered reading Damien Hirst's comment on 9/11 from a couple of years ago. Didn't he say that the attack on the Twin Towers was a visually stunning work of art? Has he got a point?
I have just read in paper about 'gay Sunday' being held at London zoo. Why does anyone feel the need to have days like this anymore. It says they'll be a homosexual debate and drag queens, like all...
But a white person would be hung out to dry by the pc brigade. Please read link below. 6/sir-trev-cleared-over-manning-joke.html
I had delivered a lecture to some recruits and sent them for a coffee break, I wandered into the Sgt's Mess and everyone was watching sky news, the first tower was up in smoke, someone told me that a...
ITV has been cleared of racism by TV watchdog Ofcom after Sir Trevor McDonald called the late controversial comic Bernard Manning a "fat, white *******". A total of 112 viewers complained that the...
It is said that the Madeline Fund contains one million pounds, and that the McCanns are to use this money hiring two top defence lawyers, if they have to go to court accused of killing Madeleine. Is...
I think that now they are back home its going to hit them like a ton of bricks...i cannot see them hurting her or killing her as some have said .. it is just too sad for words even after all this time
Have just heard that the Portugese police are intending to charge Kate McCann in connection with Madeline's disappearance. Is this anything to do with the DNA evidence that was sent for examination in...
Drivers who use their mobiles or play around with satellite navigation systems could face up to two years in prison. Drivers could be charged with dangerous driving in a bid to keep their eyes on the...