Does anyone else have a dislike for certain "things" that would appear to be loved by the nation? Mine are - Miranda (as a TV programme and comedian) Dad's Army Frank Spencer Bruce Forsyth...
As historically, so much great art is predicated on a strong feeling for God, do heathens feel at a loss not to be able to fully encompass some of humankind's greatest creations?
A friend of mine is supposed to be studying for her UK Citizenship test, but keeps nodding off, probably because she was on the phone bending my ear until 2am.... I've just had a look at the practice...
http://www.dailymail....-cat-onine-tails.html If this British colonial-era law was considered so 'degrading', why wasn't it removed from the island's statute books, the day that they gained their...
i am totally fed up what a hell of a daythey rewired; but the bloke yesterday disconected my washing machine with a different conector; now cant use rinse for showering; cant do my washing its all...
Saturday. It's misty and wet. I don't think I'm going to be very busy at the Heritage Centre today, Unless it clears up of course! I might be home in time to watch the start of the rugby! :o} Have a...
Maybe I'm wrong but the money raised that goes foreign is mainly creamed off to line the pockets of dictators. I do give to the local hospice. I sponsor a tiger and a snow leopard. I don't think I'm...
I know I'm miserable sometimes, I know it's Children in Need today. But was i in this least bit amused when half the workforce came in giggling today, wearing 'onesies' and pyjamas? No. It's not new,...
It's my daughter's 12th birthday in a couple of weeks and she'll be having about 9 friends round to celebrate, what sort of activities can I lay on for them (that don't cost too much money, she's...
Have you ever used or been attempted to use the C word. I hate the word. Today I was sorely tempted to use it, but managed to bite my tongue, even though I made it bleed.
Hi Has anyone used one of these and do they work? I was hoping they might help with my broken veins around my nose (and to help plump up my skin a little) but I can't find much info on them so...
Can anyone suggest where I could find somewhere to this Christmas where there will be nothing to remind me that it is Christmas, preferably somewhere that allows pets too.