......dirty cloths stink like chemicals. this has just started happening , i am not a smelly guy and this smell is nothing like that of a human . It cant possibly be me . what can it be ???
I have got really white-blonde hair and get loads of attention from guys, even if they are just driving buy! It's happened for years and I have even considered dying my hair dark to see if it makes a...
We've just scrapped a written off car that had 4 months tax remaining. The replacement car currently has no tax disc. Can we transfer the tax disc to the new car by exchanging it at the post office?
I am trying to lose a little weight because I have my summer holidays coming up. Each evening I have to admit I do enjoy one glass of wine but was shocked to learn it is quite high in calories. Can...
What were the old cabinets that people had in their kitchens in about the 1950s, which were double door glass at the top, then a flap down bit which was a cupboard and work top and at the bottom a...
The ongoing saga of the tyres..VW have recommended that I four wheel alignment at ?65 as opposed to tracking at ?10 to prevent tyre noise and unbalnced wear on my tyres. What's is the difference and...
Does anyone know how you play back up games/DVDs on the PS2? Whenever we play back up films, it plays them black and white with no colour or not at all. Thanks
I want to move my current account to a new bank, but I don't want to take my Overdraft. Debtline even advised me to do this and then when my old bank start chasing me for the ?1500 just offer them a...
How do you take a photo of a stained glass window from the inside looking out,without shrubs and other stuff showing up! do you use some kind of light reflector?
I shall be moving in with my boyfriend and as he receives income support, we will obviously be letting officialdom know that his circumstances have changed. However, I do not wish to change my address...
Im thinking of doing a writing course with The Writers Bureau,has anyone done this course or anything like it and might be able to give me some advice?
Hi? In an excel spreadheet is there anyway of hiding the contents of the formula bar, so that if a person clicks on a cell they can't view how a formula has been worked out? Many Thanks
If you buy a car that is stolen recovered and has been written off by the insurers, when you come to insure it, will your insurance company inform you that it is stolen recovered?
For the next couple of weeks or so, I won't be able to drive to the supermarket and am thinking about ordering groceries etc online. Do any of you have any good/bad stories or just general advice...