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how can I find peeples new adress
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he hates me for me, i am every thing he wished i was,nt. i don't follow he's ways --- is he's way or high way. i have,nt spoken tohim for 5 yrs thei met him at parents house for there special day he...
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My stepdaughter has a clause in her contract (which she has signed) making her liable for any damage to the 'company car' she has been provided with, no matter how, or when, caused. She is only 19 and...
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we have a mum and baby stay here through an organisation ,her boyfriend came round one evening when we were out and they had a fight and the police were called and we only knew about this when we got...
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Let's Go For A Drive by Duane Steele I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet I have to buy the CD but I can't we don't need that I already have 100 CD's. I haven't heard it a while since 2006 on...
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the big man who got the student off the train recently has been charged with assault. What do reckon, right or not.
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OK, I give in. What is the yellow oblong road sign, with a plain black circle on it?
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I'm appealing for a new job and need to have a CRB check performed. My previous employer accused me of Fraud By Abuse of Position. I was arrested, and had my flat searched, then I was on bail for a...
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Hi, I work in a care home and all the staff have to renew their CRBs. Mine must be 5years old now, some of the staff are even longer. I have not worked anywhere else in that time. My question is do I...
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what does this signify? it's beautiful, and wish could take a picture to put on here, but is it a portent of bad weather, snow, does anyone know.
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Since the start of all this "we don't like them", "they don't like us" criticisms over the French and Germans, I refer of course to the recent falling out over Cameron refusing to...
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If you've never had the flu and were offered the flu jab (for whatever reasons) would you take it? Or would you think it's a bit pointless?...
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kia cat
we found quite a few of these, in the back of father-in-law's drawer. Do they have a time limit on them? Most have a receipt some are two and 3 years old. Thanks...
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kia cat
We recently lost my mother-in-law and yesterday, my Father-in-law too. [1] There's money in various accounts. Would the most sensible solution be to open a new account in my wife's or my name and get...
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a female at glasgow high court was today found guilty of the murder of her toddler son. its possibly the most distressing news item ive ever read, has any item of news upset/distressed you recently ?
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I'll try to keep this short! I was being bullied at work because I was unable to take on extra work. I reported it to HR and tried raising complaints but was told to not take it so personally and to...
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Just wondering if anyone's got snow? It's horrible here. Belting down with rain, and there's a nice dusting of hail, too. It's also bloody cold!...
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Hi guys,my virgin security keeps flashing a box up to say restart vigin up oterwise I am not protected, any ideas.
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I have looked locally for this but no one sells it, can anyone help in where I can find some.
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We have recently started working Sundays. Before this I used to have saturdays and sundays off. Now every three weeks I have to work a Sunday so get Friday and Saturday off and then work Sunday the...

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