I am looking at a house from an estate agents, just wondering what sort of offer I should put in on a property, dont want to seem cheeky, just want to get the best price.
Any tips on changing a large lilac button to black? Im going out tonight and just noticed one of the buttons is missing. I looked in my button box and found the perfect size button but its lilac! I...
I have started reading a book about King Charles II, written in the mid 1800's by an American author, Jacob Abbot. He states that the first two King Charles were so unpopular that it was very unlikely...
Is it just me? Or are the "Dragons" increasingly wasting people's time? More and more, they are asking for details of successful sales. How many units have you sold? What was your net profit...
i am making a moroccan style stew in my slow cooker, and bought shoulder as it was much cheaper than the leg. I am amazed as to how much fat there is though! Do i need to trim it all off, I have two...
Would it be considered scientific heresy to say that the so called Big Bang was an effect without a cause? because if there was nothing before the event took place there was nothing to cause it to...
Hi, my laptop is running out of space, currently I only really use it for putting music / apps on ipods via itunes. Unless I delete some music I dont want, the laptop wont let me add anymore music. So...
I had a virus that Kaspersky told me it couldn't delete. SO I downloaded malwarebytes and Spybot and Ad-aware. They couldn't do anything either. Now my computer takes ages to start and everything...
My monitor died last night, no probs i thought just pop down to one of the biggest tescos in the coubtry 4 miles away and buy a new one. Could you tell me were the monitors are i ask, very sorry we...
This might be a stupid question, but can you download a film legally? I really want Hocus Pocus for my kiddies to watch but having searched high and low and on TV, this is the last resort! I have a CD...
please give me your opinions or if so experiences .. Is there a strong attraction between an aries male and leo female, I ask because I never dated an aries guy before.I only found out he was an aries...
I am retiring at the end of March 2012. With my state pension and private pension I will be above the limit of personal allowances. I have been onto the tax site and can't make head or tail of it. It...
http://www.dailymail....lamic-Sharia-law.html /// Islamic Sharia law will be the ‘basic source’ of legislation in free Libya, its new leader has proclaimed. /// /// It could also prove...
I bought two pack of sausages the other day and froze one pack. They are out of date on 26th October and I bought them on 20th October. If I thaw the frozen pack on say 27th October will they still...