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Good-afternoon, I have decided to keep my wireless keyboard as I found it better, save for the fact that it kept on sticking on `Caps`, and would like to know if I have to run the disc again.TIA
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When people 'mime' do they feel like complete Snags??
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anotheoldgit Yet another mad-cap idea, does anyone really think that putting cigarettes in plain packets will encourage people to give up smoking? How will the smokers know what brand...
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We all have budgets in life, but there are just some things we will never skimp on. What things will you never skimp on? I never skimp on good skincare....
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If you drink five cups of coffee what would it do to your blood pressure and pulse rate?
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When knickers are referred to as panties.The word seems so salacious.
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If you drink five cups of coffee what would it do to your blood pressure and pulse rate?
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i have read that in future all cars on the road or not must be insured unless declared to dvla that they are not used on the road (SORN) that is even kept on the drive or in a garage
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Why don't Ebay promote cheaper carriers for goods sold there. I'm from Ireland and every time I buy something the P&P is usually as much if not more than the item I'm buying. It's almost always...
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anotheoldgit Although technically wrong, don't others agree that this young man will take more notice of his Dad's actions than anything the police and the authorities would be prepared...
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anotheoldgit Spending £22 for light-bulbs that only cost 65p , and if that isn't enough it has also emerged that taxpayers face a £150,000 bill for buying thousands of copies...
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£69 but better than getting points. Driving for 50 years, no accidents, clean licence. Never mind....
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Here's what I'd like to do. I have a CSV file that is generated by another program, the problem is that when I open it in excel, Excel applies it's formatting based on what it thinks the data is, eg I...
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Having found £60 (3x£20 folded notes) on the pavement at luchtime, in an area I seldom visit & my immerdiate response was, some poor sod has lost this. I eventually decided treat...
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The Blondes at the college university felt like they just didn't fit in. Everywhere on campus they felt rideculed and were tired of other students assuming they were just stupid bimbos out for sex....
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When posting ends on the right here - the person cannot be called upon - anybody on here remind SQUAD there is a posting for him on Health and Fitness - Thanks
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I need a thousand of these.
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I spilled a glass of water over my laptop keyboard a few weeks ago. I immediately turned it off and let it completely dry out for a week. It only now works by using an external keyboard and screen....
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Hi all, I don’t usually post in this section but I have a difficult decision to make and need some help. I could post this in the animal section but this is more about how you make a difficult...
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Rapist in Greenwich London creeps in to peoples houses at night & rape's O.A P. What should the sentence be?

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