We presently have our 'phone & broadband with B.T & are thinking of changing our I.S.P. As subscribers to Orange mobile phones we are at present looking at the package offered by Orange for...
I love long spaghetti, you know the 2 foot long stuff, just a few years ago all the shops sold it, now we cant find any. Do you buy long spaghetti or short spaghetti ? Do you cut yours up or twirl it...
A few days ago one of my dogs who had been castrated about five years ago made a serious attempt to "couple" with a bitch whose owner claimed to have recently been in season. But the...
http://tinyurl.com/6hkfkg8 I realise this was a brutal and savage attack on two females, and that women should feel free to camp out on their holidays, or on any other occasion. But were these two...
Does anyone make them? I have tried on a few occasions and they are far and above any supermarket offerings but they are never like takeaway ones. I've tried different recipes, cooked them on a pizza...
Frequently in the news and on these pages there are references to money being sent overseas as aid to other countries. Today's news refers to 'the UK's promise' to spend 0.7% of its gross national...
This has come up in our garden but we have no idea if it's a plant or a weed! Can anyone help? <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2yy5o1x" target="_blank"><img...
Hi everyone. My Daughter is doing her key stage sats the week. She has always been very bright and sits at the top table. when she came home yesterday she said she had been split from her table and...
I bought a new mouse from PC World 2 days ago, bluetrack technology which is supposed to work on any surface except glass or mirrors. It doesn't like my desk worktop, the pointer sometimes does its...
Hi everyone ... we want to buy a Gold coloured Floor mop for a joke for a friend. I've searched everywhere but am obviously either using the wrong search words or trying to find something that doesn't...
Hi - can anyone help me? An old lady I know rents a flat above a shop. Last week she left the kitchen tap running and fell asleep. We're not sure how long for, but her kitchen was flooded. It was...