can anyone explain the appeal of the Muslim faith? I cannot for the life of me understand it, especially for women? Certainly the public image is of restrictions, antiquated customs and views, and...
On Question time last night one of the guests was Welsh Secretary Peter Hain MP Other guests included shadow environment secretary Nick Herbert MP, former Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Ian...
I purchased a sewing machine total cost £85.00 via the internet and when it arrived tried it out, it did not sew correctly, the tension was out and overall I was not happy with the machine. I... London mayor Boris Johnson has rescued a woman who was being attacked by an armed group of young girls, chasing them down the road on his bicycle. Franny...
http://www.independen...-johnson-1813691.html If the BNP can get the other parties that frightened, that some are now prepared to listen and address the problems attached to mass immigration, then... ///Judge Michael Henshell told her that a custodial sentence was necessary to deter others but she was freed by the court because she had already spent...
A Game for you all. Can you think of a fictional prequel to a film and it's possible title? For example: "Look who's not talking yet" "Apollo 12" "Apocalypse Shortly"...
http://www.dailymail....e-soaring-prices.html In the past some on this site have said that British train fares are quite reasonable. After reading this report do they still come to the same... In a case such as this, what would the fair ruling be? Carry out the Mother's wish and take the child off life support? Support the Father's wish for...
Who is to blame for the trouble, Theft, Muggings, rape, is it the way the schools dish out punishment? is it the parents? the environment, or the so-called Human F-----G rights? I am not a Con but a...
http://www.dailymail....gusting-advances.html Is racism a reason for his previous convictions ??... its that word again , if in doubt scream racism As the sentence was delivered , several of King's... She is partly blaming Facebook over her daughters murder, then claims that Ashleigh knew all of her 400 friends. Firstly this girl was 17, not some...
There is lots of talk in below threads about thieving etc - but lets be honest, the MAJORITY of MPs are not thieves, but may be guilty of claiming what they are entitlted to - albeit showing dubious...
I just caught part of an item on Radio 2 at lunch time , where the discussion was about MP's not being able to employ family members in this new report proposed by ... ( forget his name ) Anyway ,...
It is things like this that make me hate the EU (not just the shower, but the 160 million pounds France spent during the 6 months of their presidency). It is one big ego trip and gravy train for the...
My partner was recently married for approx 20 yrs and left the marital home with his ex wife still there and their children. The mortgage was paid off over 15 yrs ago so half the value of the house is...
What fantastic news in today's press, if it come true. It's proposed that MPs must rent their second homes and not claim mortgage interest on second homes. In addition they will be unable to employ...
Another example of feral youths on our streets. What on earth is going through their tiny, violent, minds? Are people (youths in particular) becoming...
http://www.dailymail....-crack-shootings.html /////" Motorcycle police armed with semi automatic pistols are to patrol the streets for the first time in a bid to combat shootings"//////////...