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every time I use my credit card online, it appears that it has to be security verified by visa. up pops this box into which I have to put my user name and password. every time I do this, the system...
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Hi there: If you are perhaps wondering why there's no post (or very little filtering through) from or to South Africa, be aware that our two-legged runners (withand without their cleft stick) have...
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I need to do some research to present a case. Where can I find details for schemes which use fingerprint technology for the pupils to pay for their school meals and where parents can pay online to top...
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Briefly, I am inheriting a property and someone will have a 50% beneficial interest when the property is sold. The property at present is rented out to a man aged 88 with a lifetime tenancy. The...
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Ahoy there mateys! How it be going in the depths of AB land? Today is talk like a pirate day so I want to hear about swabbing of the decks instead of housework, a swig of rum (or tipple of your...
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Have you been brave enough to call your child or even think about call your child unusual name .I wanted to call the son Elliott but wife said no way ,one silly name in the family is enough .(sorry to...
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Do they still have these in schools? It's a good way to promote better achievement in class, isn't it? Any child who does particularly badly has to sit in the corner for a while, wearing a pointy hat...
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What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?
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not very good at phone apps and although I've read them I still don't know the difference between these 2, I'm going to Turkey in June and wanted to talk to my family at home in the UK, which one...
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What are people's thoughts on what's going on in Liverpool this afternoon? Am I the only one who thinks it's all a bit over the top? Yes I know it was a terrible thing that happened but I just cant...
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Hi, Just before Christmas last year my husband sold a piano (second hand not new), the purchaser (who is a barrister) came to view the piano played it and decided to go ahead with the purchase. My...
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Hi, I am fitting a cigarette lighter into my Panda but I need a 30a relay that fits into socket T31. I'm having trouble obtaining one but Halfords have a universal relay will that be ok to fit into...
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anotheoldgit But first he will take a year off to contemplate...
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Hi Can anybody tell me how I get telephone numbers from my handset (Samsung Galaxy Ace) onto the directory on my Peugeot 3008 ? Got the phone linked ok via bluetooth and it shows a call list but only...
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Some good news for a change! Customers with British Gas that are dual fuel customers with them and have smart meters fitted are likely to get offered free electricity every Saturday from some time...
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Hi All, I have followed this site for years and am now taking the plunge! My husband was sued last year for repair to an old Steinway baby grand piano he had sold three years previously. It was sold...

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